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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 435

The dinner was mainly a reward for Gary's good performance, so they chose to eat at one of his favorite restaurants. A moment later, they finally saw the waiter approaching with their pizza and steak. The food smelled heavenly! Gary's face lit up when the waiter finished serving their food. He took the fork and knife, as he sat there eagerly wanting to dig in. Even his feet were swaying back and forth because of the excitement.

Rachel, on the other hand, was not as enthusiastic as him. After taking a few bites of the steak and the pizza, she felt full. Her stomach could no longer take any more of the food, so she set down the knife and fork at the table. Reaching for the napkin, she carefully wiped the side of her mouth. She was not aware that Jimmy was watching her. He asked with concern, "Don't you like it?"

She shook her head as she answered, "I like it. But I'm already full."

"Do you want some fried rice or something else? We can order dessert if you want to," Jimmy asked her as he was raising his hand to signal to the waiter to come over.

Rachel quickly shook her head to decline politely. "I'm full, but thanks for offering." Even as she turned his offer down, Jimmy smiled at her and insisted, "Don't worry about my wallet. I still have money for this meal."

In the past, Rachel helped him deal with his wife's grand, and that was why she was well aware of his financial condition.

His business went bankrupt and he owed a lot of money.

Even though he casually offered to pay for the food, Rachel knew that it was the man's ego that drove him to do so.

She denied with a kind smile, "If I'm not full, I won't be so polite."

Trying to divert the conversation, she asked, "Oh, that's right. I remember that you discontinued your business. What are you up to nowadays?"

Thankfully, he caught on and dropped their previous topic. "I'm running an electric appliance store with a friend. It can barely support my living."

He also put his knife and fork down as he took a sip of his lemonade. The cool and pungent taste of the drink moistened his throat. He wiped his mouth and continued, "Currently, the goods are very expensive. It also doesn't help that the customers are wise shoppers. They prefer to compare prices in different stores or shop online, so we can't raise our price offers. After deducting the rent and other expenses, we can only barely maintain it." "Is the bidding very expensive?" Rachel frowned. Although she was not good at doing business, hearing this from Jimmy made her curious. She had never been in touch with any business operation.

However, she often heard from the nurses at her previous department that greedy businessmen often sold overpriced products. Some of them bid offers that originally amounted a couple of dollars and priced it for hundreds.

She was wondering if electric appliances were an exception to that.

Jimmy smiled bitterly. "Our business is just at the beginning stage. We can only find the following dealers to purchase the goods. When the goods come out of the factory, they have already dealt with many people. The price has increased several times as it jumps from one deal to another. How cheap can it be when the items are sold to us? To put it bluntly, we are just the goods porters."

Although he explained it thoroughly, Rachel was still a little confused. She did understand a little about the business, but a lot of questions lingered in her head. "Can't you find the factory to purchase goods on your own? That way, the price should be lower."

Jimmy shrugged. "We want to. But which factory is willing to cooperate with such a small shop like ours? We don't have a lot to buy and order. I guess they won't even notice us." Rachel nodded sympathetically.

Although she had never ventured too much about businesses, she had stayed with Jack for a long time. She often heard him on the phone that their order amounts seemed to be in eight figures.

In Jimmy's case, the business didn't have such strength.

On the other hand, Gary was unaware of the serious conversation they were having. He was still happily chomping on some of the pizza when he eyed the untouched spaghetti from Rachel's plate. He instantly perked up and asked, "Aunt Rachel, are you full now? Can I have the spaghetti on your plate, please?"

Unable to say no to the cuteness, Rachel beamed and said, "Of course, I don't want to waste food."

She grabbed a fork and transferred the spaghetti to Gary's plate. While she was emptying her plate, she suddenly remembered someone. She turned to Jimmy and said with uncertainty, "I seem to know a person who specialized in making electric appliances. Do you need my help to ask?"

Upon hearing that, Jimmy lightened up. He was ecstatic and excited that someone might be able to help their business. However, his shoulder fell a few seconds later. He scratched between his eyebrows as he shyly asked, "Won't it bother you too much?" "No, I'd love to help you," she answered with a genuine smile.

She went back on checking Gary and noticed that there was some ketchup on his cheek. Grabbing a piece of tissue, she carefully wiped it clean for him.

As she stared at the little boy, a lot of important things passed through her mind. Perhaps it was because of her previous pregnancy that made her heart swell with emotions. She knew how important a family was for a child's growth.

If she hadn't known Jimmy and Gary, she wouldn't have cared to meddle in his business. She realized that it was fate that led them together. With this in mind, she could only hope to do her best to help them.

She smiled at him and said, "But don't be happy too early. After all, I'm not sure if I can succeed or not." They continued to chat until Gary finished his meal.

When she came out of the restaurant, she grabbed her purse and took her phone out. Checking the time on her phone, a missed call notification from Julie popped out. She decided not to call back since she was already heading home.

Julie usually stayed locked up in her room to take a rest, but when Rachel got home, she was still sitting on the sofa. The uncertainty in her face was so evident that Rachel immediately caught it. She vaguely guessed and asked in a low voice, "Did Jack come back?"


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