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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 46

After Jack apologized, Rachel became quiet because of astonishment. All she did was follow Jack. When he walked towards another restaurant, she was surprised and immediately asked him, "Are you still hungry?"

"No, I'm not. I'll just buy one to try their food."

Saying nothing more, she watched Jack go in.

Rachel did not wait for long. Just a few minutes after, Jack came out. Then, he walked to the next one. She was now confused when she saw him ready to enter the restaurant. "Jack, isn't that meal in your hand not enough yet? Are you going to buy something from all the food shops?"

This time, Rachel hit the nailed right. Jack explained that he only planned to buy something from the restaurants which were packed tonight. He wanted his men to have a taste of their specialties.

After Jack explained, Rachel was speechless. Mouth twitching, she asked again, "Is it really necessary?"

Not wanting to explain further, Jack didn't answer anymore. Instead, he continued to walk. He didn't choose noodles as noodles would lose their flavor after a while.

He only chose pasties, braised meat and something that wouldn't lose its flavor in a period of time. ■3

As Rachel accompanied Jack silently, she already understood his reason for his actions.

Though Jack wasn't aware that such a food street existed, he was familiar with all the food sold here. After all, they were all traditional food, and Jack knew them.

What he was doing was not strange at all. There were people like him. But what made it peculiar was Jack doing it himself.

Never did she think that Jack would be so ordinary like those people in this street. After the fourth shop, Rachel was really curious now. She couldn't help but ask him, and he explained everything to her.

Jack brought them because he was wondering if he could introduce them to MK Group's malls.

Hearing his explanation, Rachel was speechless again. This side of Jack was unfamiliar to her.

Her perception of him was someone who had high standards. But he really piqued her interest by eating with her here and doing his own food hopping.

Couldn't control herself anymore, Rachel finally asked, "Jack, is there something wrong with you?"

Remembering Jack's apology earlier, she thought of his promise to her.

If it was not for that promise, Rachel would not waste her time and energy with him here.

Stopping, Jack glanced at Rachel coldly. When she saw him look at her that way, she felt goose ■3

bumps all over her body.

Finally coming back to his senses, Jack looked at the items in his hands and thought they were enough. "Let's go back," he declared.

'Humph! So, who really enjoyed this trip?' Annoyed, Rachel closed her eyes.

Seeing her expression, he thought that she was not feeling well again. Jack asked frowning, "How do you feel? Do you feel bad again?"

Waving her hand weakly, Rachel closed her eyes and said, "Don't talk to me."

Feeling that she might be hot with fever again, she thought she didn't want to see Jack ever again.

Rachel promised herself to stay away from him, but she didn't. She realized she didn't learn from her previous experience.

Seating comfortably, Jack drove the Land Rover steadily, while Rachel took a nap.

Just a few minutes later, Rachel was finally deep in her sleep.

The food hub was located in a remote street next to the bustling commercial road on the southern part of the city.

Using the car's navigation system, Jack found the main road that would lead them home.

The apartment was located at the opposite side of the city. There was heavy traffic on their way. It took them longer to go home compared on their way to the food street.

The journey took them one hour to arrive at the apartment.

After cutting the engine off, Jack looked at Rachel leaning against the window.

Her neck was slightly tilted making her hair flow down on her back, her jaw line was smooth and tight, her slightly closed lips were as tender as rose petals, and her long naturally curled eyelashes covered her eyelids.

Rachel had a beautiful face. Looking at her, he remembered the little girl in a bubble skirt brought home by his grandpa many years ago.

Eyes red and swollen, a little Rachel looked him up and down. His grandpa, who was holding her hand, pointed at him and told her gently, "Rachel, this is Jack."

Rachel looked at him with big round eyes. Then she greeted him, "Jack..."

Her voice then was sweet and soft. Unlike now, though it was still sweet, it was crisp and not sweet anymore.

Soon after Rachel lived with them,

Jack went abroad to study and only came back during holidays and important occasions.

When he came back after finishing his studies, Jack moved out of the house and had his own place. So, there was no chance for them to get to know each other well.

If not for their arranged marriage, there would be no connection between them at all.

That day, his father requested him to come home. In the study, Jonathan looked at him and ■3

sighed. Jack couldn't understand the meaning of his gaze.

Jonathan said, "I know that you don't like her. But please, be nice to her. Remember, she has nothing. And, the Fu family owes her a lot."


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