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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 460

Lea realized that her words were too impolite, so she apologized and asked casually, "By the way, when is your wedding?"

"Next Saturday." Anna lowered her head and took out two invitation cards from her bag. She handed the cards to each of them and said, "We haven't seen each other for a long time. I want to catch up with you both, so I hope you can attend my wedding party."

Lea took the invitation card and said, "Thanks for the invitation. We'll be there if we are free."

"You two can take your husbands with you. I want my wedding to be as lively as possible." Anna then looked across the road and waved goodbye to them. "I have to go now. I'll expect you at my wedding."

Rachel and Lea watched Anna get in her car and drive away. Lea laughed in embarrassment while opening the invitation card in her hands. She found out that the guest's name on it was blank.

Obviously, they were not included in Anna's initial guest list. Perhaps she was only obliged to invite them because she saw them accidentally.

Lea shrugged her shoulders. "I was too impolite in front of Anna just now, so I was too embarrassed to refuse her. I think we should really go."

Rachel shook her head helplessly. "How much are you going to give her? Let's just tell the driver to send our red envelopes on our behalf."

"That's also a good idea." Rachel's words made Lea realized why Anna invited them.

Aside from the relatives on both sides, Anna and her fiance might have invited some classmates, good friends, and people who had connections.

She even invited them, although it was their first time to meet again after so many years. Initially, they were not included in her guest list. So Lea couldn't help doubting that Anna's main goal was to collect more red envelopes.

After all, it was very common nowadays for some people to make a fortune out of weddings. No one could blame Lea for thinking so.

It was already dark when Rachel arrived home. She put the shopping bags on the sofa, threw the invitation card on the center table, and went upstairs to change her clothes. Jonathan and Tracy happened to go to the living room and saw it. They picked it up and took a look. Seeing that the guest's name was blank, they frowned. Rachel was coming downstairs, so they asked in unison, "Who will attend the wedding party?"

"It's me. A classmate in junior high school invited me," Rachel replied with a faint smile.

With a trace of confusion in her eyes, Tracy asked, "Then why didn't your friend write your name in here?"

Rachel didn't know how to explain the coincidence that happened in the mall earlier, so she just smiled.

Tracy looked at the invitation card in her hand again. She then moved a little closer to Rachel and asked, "Are you going to the party?"

Rachel was stunned. It took her a while to answer, "I don't think so. After all, we're not close friends. We haven't even contacted each other since we graduated from junior high school. I think it's a bit embarrassing to go there."

Tracy was silent for a moment. She then held Rachel's hand and said gently, "Rachel, this kind of party is good for you to catch up with your friends. In my opinion, you should go.

Don't spend all your time in the hospital. You should go out more often and have fun with your friends." "Well..." Sweat trickled down Rachel's forehead. Tracy had never cared about her so much in the past. Now that she was suddenly telling her to attend a wedding, she felt a little surprised.

She was rendered speechless. After a while, she said in a low voice, "I'll check if I have time then." "Okay. But I hope that you'll really go." Tracy sighed.

Actually, the reason why she wanted to convince Rachel to go was the note that she saw on the invitation card. It stated that the invited guest should bring a companion.

She was expecting that Rachel would bring Jack with her. Attending a wedding party was one of the best ways for a couple who were at odds to quickly reconcile.

After all, this kind of occasion was full of love, sweetness, and happiness. It was also a place to remind them of their own good memories.

"What's going on here?" A lazy male voice was suddenly heard from behind.

Rachel subconsciously turned and looked at the door.

Jack casually pulled off his necktie. With a grin, he walked over to them and asked, "Mom, what were you talking about just now?"

He sat down beside Rachel.

This time, Rachel was sitting between Tracy and Jack and had no place to move at all. When Jack leaned over to her, she could feel his breath on her head, and it made her feel a little hot all over.


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