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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 478

"You should eat more."

As soon as Jack finished his words, they heard the sharp squeal of braking tires across the yard. Rachel turned her head to see Tracy and Jonathan rushing in.

Jonathan's face was pale and drawn. "Something like this has happened, yet you did not tell us?"

Tears streamed down Tracy's cheeks as she choked out the words. "Jack, what's going on?"

Rachel and Jack looked at each other. They meant to hide the truth from Jack's parents so that they would not worry. However, the matter had become this serious that it was out of their hands.

Rachel laid down her chopsticks and slowly stood up with her hands supporting her waist. "Mom, Dad, please don't worry. Let's sit down and discuss it calmly, okay?"

"How can we be calm? Now, all of the shareholders are asking to have Jack dismissed and withdrawn from the board of directors. This is..." Tracy couldn't continue and was overcome with sobs.

With her eyes wide open, Rachel looked at Jack in disbelief. "Why in the world did you not say a word about such a thing?"

However, Jack was not looking at her when he replied, "I didn't tell you because it would only make you worry."

He turned to greet Jonathan and pulled Tracy to sit down on the sofa. He said in a low voice, "Dad, Mom, I will solve this matter. Don't worry."

"Solve it? How are you going to solve it?" Jonathan's face turned red. He slapped his hand on the table and said, "If you were capable of solving it, then it wouldn't have reached this point.

If your mother and I hadn't dropped by the company en route to somewhere else, for how long would you have kept this from us? You wouldn't tell us until the company became someone else's?"

The more he spoke, the more agitated Jonathan became. He was coughing violently. Tracy rushed over to his side and started rubbing his back.

Jack pinched between his eyebrows. He had been trying to keep from showing any emotion, but his face eventually showed his exhaustion.

He said in a low voice, "After the news was exposed, several shareholders came to me. At that time, I promised them that this matter would not affect the company."

"Then how did things get this bad?" asked Jonathan, who had calmed down by then.

Jack sighed slightly and let out a sarcastic chuckle. "I didn't think that those business partners would break up the partnership once they heard the news."

Hearing this, Rachel's heart ached. He had just received a call and heard the bad news, and yet he still faced her with a smile.

How sad he must have been at the time.

Rachel reached out and held his hand tightly, offering him quiet comfort.

Jack squeezed her hand back.

Inside a moderately-sized property, Benny paced back and forth holding his phone. His usually well-trimmed hair was now a ratty mess, and his eyes were bloodshot.

He looked terrible.

Cursing all the while, he kept trying to call someone, but his call wouldn't come through.

On the second day after Jack's matter was exposed, Kailey disappeared. He went to all the places where she might have gone, but she was nowhere to be found.

Even her phone seemed to be powered off.

She seemed to have evaporated off the face of the earth. After hearing the mechanical female voice on the phone interminably, Benny threw his phone away in agitation, clutching at his hair like a man on the verge of collapsing.

After what had happened, he didn't dare to go anywhere, instead locking himself inside the small house.

Suddenly, there was violent knocking on the door.

Benny shivered, and blood drained from his face. He asked in a trembling voice, "Who is it?"

He heard a rough voice say through the door, "Ninwell City Public Security Bureau. Open the door."

Benny felt his legs give out under him and fell to his knees.

Michael stepped on the gas and drove at full speed. Then, he parked the car on the side of the road and walked quickly into the house.

"Jack, I have something to tell you!" he shouted.

When he entered the room, he was stunned to see Jonathan and Tracy sitting on the sofa.

Rachel waited for him to speak, but he didn't continue. "What's wrong? What is it?" she asked.


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