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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 56

While narrating what happened, Celine couldn't help but cry. Then, biting her lower lip, she continued in a soft voice, "She mocked me and said I was just a bitch. She asked me whether I was dumped by you, as I was so poor that I gave so much importance to a mere dress. But, I rarely care about that dress because it was a gift from you. But, I didn't expect that boy to stain my dress just like that!"

Glancing at him, Celine saw Jack's brows slightly frowning. Her heart was bursting with joy.

However, what she didn't know was that Jack had something else in his mind.

Jack couldn't remember when he had sent her a dress. He asked Celine, "What dress did I give you?"

Hearing his question, Celine was stunned. She didn't expect that he would ask her such question.

"The one you brought back from France."

Failing to remember anything, Jack kept silent. After a while, he asked again, "What else did Rachel say to you?"

Celine's heart skipped a beat. She kept her mouth shut for a while. Thinking fast, she had to be careful with her next words. However, what came out was much different from the truth.

From Celine's mouth, Rachel was a spiteful ■3

woman. According to her, Rachel humiliated her in front of many people.

What really happened was distorted by Celine's statements.

Her version of the story showed how Rachel scolded Celine like a bitch. She told Jack how miserable she felt at that time.

Doubt seeped through Jack's mind, though he didn't think that Celine would lie.

If Rachel hadn't done anything bad to Celine, the latter wouldn't have drunk herself. But hearing Celine's words about Rachel, Jack became suspicious.

Celine had once seen Rachel in a cafe. His man who was protecting Celine sent him a video. Jack watched their whole conversation.

He knew Rachel's style of being mean, which was different from Celine's description.

To be more specific, Celine made Rachel sound so boorish. It was not like Rachel at all.

Processing the information Celine gave, Jack thought she might have changed the story a bit in order to make Rachel bad. Devoid of any expression, he released Celine and said, "Take it easy. I will talk to her later."

Suddenly, Celine's face darkened. Her intention of telling Jack was for him to hate that woman and to stay away from her, not to get in touch with her!

Releasing his hand, she angrily shouted, "Don't ever see that woman!"

Realizing that her tone was a bit harsh, she ■3

added softly, "I don't want you to see her. Please don't. Okay?"

Jack nodded. With a satisfied smile on her face, Celine leaned on him and said, "Her boyfriend was also frightening. He said mean things to me too."

"Boyfriend?" Jack asked, slightly narrowing his eyes.

Without raising her head, Celine answered, "Yes. They worked together against me."

"How did you know they are in a relationship?" Jack asked in a low voice.

With a straight face, Celine lied, "They entered a store offering maternal and infant products. Do friends do that?"

Noticing something was wrong, Jack pursed his lips and didn't say anything. But Celine knew that he heard what she said.

'Oh, no! Is he going to see her? He'd better find someone to confirm it,' Celine thought to herself.

Smiling secretly, Celine would see if this man really loved her. If Rachel having a boyfriend not enough reason for Jack to divorce, then she wouldn't wait for him anymore.

So, she would see Jack's reaction when she asked about it a few days later.

All of a sudden, she thought of something. She felt hot.

Snuggling up to his arms, Celine slipped her hand past his throat. Teasing him with her index finger, she touched his lips and ran it down his chin. ■3

Grabbing her hand, Jack pulled it away and said gently, "Don't be naughty."

Still, Celine continued. This time, using her other hand, she touched his cheek and slowly went down Jack's body.

Catching his breath, Jack grasped her wrist and growled, "Celine!"

His eyes were in slits, dark, and full of desire.

Though his voice was deep and strong, he was not really angry. He was trying very hard to control himself instead.

Blinking, Celine licked his Adam's apple. Then, she said enchantingly, "I want you, Jack. I won't resist you anymore. I'm ready."

Her slender hand slid all the way down to his body parts which elicited erogenous pleasure. Tiptoeing, she pressed her nose against his and saw, with satisfaction, the burning desire in his eyes.


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