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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 65

Since Jack asked about the parents, Rachel suddenly felt sorry for Mendes. In a soft voice, she explained, "His parents left him alone."

'So she decided to volunteer as a babysitter? When did doctors start to do charity work?1

Thinking carefully, Jack remembered meeting her with the boy twice already.

He didn't see Rachel as a woman whose kindness would extend up to the point of taking care of somebody's child. In his eyes, it was true that he saw women as gentle and fragile.

They were the ones who would like to have a puppy or kitten as a pet and exclaim in their cutesy voices, "It is so cute. I love it so much!"

Or, they could just simply act as soft and weak if opportunities permitted them to.

Obviously, Rachel did not belong to that group of women. He vividly remembered the day she smashed Eric's hand without blinking.

He didn't like Rachel for she was so cruel to her cousin. But now, she was so soft and kind, as if she was a totally different person.

'Could women change their dispositions in a snap of their fingers?' Jack pondered confused.

Unknowingly, he started to become interested in Rachel.

When he started to think about her, he ■3

deliberately stopped himself and made sure that his mind exerted effort to avoid thinking anything connected with her. This was his way not to develop deeper feelings for her.

Another ten minutes had passed, Jack was a hundred percent sure that Mendes was definitely in a dreamland now.

Lifting the quilt, Rachel stood up and said, "Get up and transfer him on my side."

Slowly, Jack stood up too. Rachel, on the other side, turned on the floor lamp. She smoothed the bed sheet on the side and arranged the pillows. She then looked at Jack and signaled to him to get ready. "Be careful. Put him here."

Cautiously, Jack picked Mendes up and moved him to Rachel's place. As another layer of precaution, she placed a thick carpet on the floor to lessen the impact in case Mendes fell.

After carefully moving Mendes on the other side, Jack finally sighed in relief.

Opposite him, Rachel bent and tucked Mendes in the quilt.

That was when he smelled her scent again. Though it was faint, Jack thought it was really nice. On the other hand, Rachel had no idea of her effect on Jack.

Looking down at her, Jack saw her neck, fair and smooth. When she moved again to lift the quilt and cover Mendes up the waist, he glimpsed her delicate collarbone and generous chest.

Cursing in his mind, he hurriedly looked away. He didn't dare to look at her anymore. He lay down ■3

instead and buried himself under the quilt. In a cold voice, he said, "I'm going to sleep now."

Used to his mood, Rachel didn't feel anything unusual. When she lay down beside him, he could smell her scent better.

Her scent was not strong. And, it was very fragrant.

Confused, Jack took a deep breath. If the scent was not a perfume, was it a shampoo or a body wash?

'Why does she smell so good? What does she use?'

After several turns and tosses, Rachel's breathing became deeper and longer.

However, in the midst of darkness, Jack was still wide awake and was staring blankly at the ceiling.

Wanting to go to the balcony to smoke, he turned on the bedside lamp. When he turned his head on the other side, the beautiful sight stunned him.

Lying on her side, Rachel faced the child. Her long black hair was all over her body and on the bed. Only a small part of her neck was exposed. She was so beautiful like a piece of white jade.

He could even imagine how soft and delicate her body was under his touch.

That night gave Jack a beautiful dream. Her eyes so clear were looking at him shyly and tenderly. Her lips so red were slightly parted.

In a sweet and tender voice, she whispered, ■3


Suddenly, he opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was the white ceiling. Stunned, it took him a moment to realize where he was. Then, he felt something warm rush towards his lower part of his body, particularly in the direction between his thighs. For a while, he couldn't move. All he could do was purse his thin lips together.

Slowly, he turned his head to the side. What he saw was Mendes sleeping soundly.

'What a relief!' Jack thought. Sitting up, he snatched the quilt and got out of the bed. He had an erection!

His face darkened as he walked to the bathroom.

Since he was a teenager, he had never been short of women. He had never had such a dream since after puberty.

Coming out after a cold shower, Jack saw that Rachel had returned in the bedroom.

Deep in thought, he was wondering if she noticed something unusual this morning. Specifically, if she heard him say something in his sleep.

Jack took a fast glance at Rachel. Then, he went to the walk-in closet to get dressed.

Seeing his frosty expression early in the morning made Rachel a bit confused. But, she didn't ask. Anyway, as far as she was concerned, he always looked like that. It was not something new.

Meanwhile, the boy was still sleeping soundly ■3

with his hands stretched upward.

Since it was still early, Rachel wasn't in a hurry to leave. Looking at Mendes, she moved him a bit from the edge of the bed and tucked him in.


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