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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 90

Michael gave his watch a quick glance as the waiter served them drinks. "There will be fireworks later," he said with a childish smile.

"Really?" Jack asked as he crossed his hands and sat back comfortably, "Where?"

"Well, it'll be at Ying family's garden," Michael explained with a slight laugh because Jack seemed so ignorant about it. "Haven't you heard that they organized a fireworks party?"

"Is that so?" Michael then turned to Rachel. "Why aren't you talking? Are you embarrassed that you're here with Jack?" he asked in a concerned tone of voice.

Jack raised an eyebrow as he crossed his arms on his chest. A grim look overcame his eyes.

On the other hand, Rachel smiled in amusement. "Go ahead. I'll be listening to you," she said with a smile.

Michael looked around at everyone as a confused look overtook his countenance. "What's wrong with you guys?" he asked when he saw that everyone sat very quietly. "Why are you just sitting there without saying anything?"

Marcus lightly coughed. "Say what?"

Unlike Michael, they were not talkative people. Michael could keep on talking and talking tirelessly. Jack raised a hand to rub his forehead and ■d

accidentally touched his unhealed would by accident.

He felt a stinging pain and had to put down his hand immediately.

He shifted his gaze to Rachel's direction. She remained as silent as the background. Her make-up made her face look more elegant and beautiful. She secretly glanced at her watch and frowned slightly. It was as if something bothered her.

He looked down for a moment. "You came with Lucas, right?" he asked suddenly. "Why is he not around?"

Rachel was so lost in thought that she didn't realize right away that Jack was talking to her. But she had no idea where Lucas was or where he went.

And she felt that there really was no reason for her to look for him.

Rachel looked like she just got out of a daze as she shook her head at Jack. "I really have no idea," she replied flatly.

Jack sighed inwardly. He was sure that Rachel was not that close to anybody else there.

She went there with someone she knew and stayed even though that person was no longer with her.

When Lea asked Rachel to turn to look at Lucas, the first person Rachel saw was Jack. Then she saw Lucas.

Lucas was in a conversation with a woman in a white dress who suddenly held her arms open for ■d

him. He then proceeded to give the woman a big hug.

The woman in white then turned around and walked away. It was as if Lucas met an old friend. Lea and Rachel did not ask him anything about it afterwards.

When Lea and Rachel finished their conversation with someone else, they turned around and found that Lucas was walking towards the corridor with his back to them.

It felt to her like he was chasing someone when she recalled that event.

Seemingly out of nowhere, someone greeted the group warmly. "Mr. Fu, Mr. Du, Mr. Ji, you are all here!"

Rachel slightly tilted her head to one side in order to see the speaker. "Mrs. Fu, you're here as well!" the same voice said excitedly.

It was the CEO of a company who went there with Rick. Rick was surprised to hear him address Rachel as "Mrs. Fu." He looked at Jack and then at Rachel. He never expected that one of the women brought by Lucas was actually Jack's wife.

'But Claris invited Jack's mistress,' he thought.

He felt so uneasy that he hesitated. He was unsure if he should greet Rachel first or ask his sister whether Celine was here.

"Can I sit here?" the CEO asked abruptly as he stood hesitating.

There were enough seats for two more people to join them. "Sit over here, Rachel," Jack suggested so that Rachel would move from her current position to his side.

Rachel hesitated and looked at the seat at Jack's side. "Come and sit here," he said again.

She stood up and navigated through the legs of Jack and sat down beside him. There was a sparkle in Rick's eyes as he moved forward with a light laugh. "I think I heard something interesting just now," he joked as he stepped forward.

Rick sat down at the other side of Jack. "So, you are Mrs. Fu," he said to Rachel.

He then turned to Jack. "I'm really sorry," he said apologetically.

No wonder Jack's face turned sour when Rick mentioned that Rachel came with Lucas. No man could possibly stand it.

Cold sweat streamed down his face when Rick suddenly realized this.

Jack twisted his mouth and said, "I believe it's unnecessary to introduce my wife to others. After all, many people know."

He reached out, held Rachel's hand and showed off to the people who were present.

Rachel suddenly felt uneasy.

Michael and Marcus exchanged meaningful stares with each other. Marcus blinked his eyes as he tried to signal to Michael, but Michael did not understand what he was trying to say. He felt awkward with the blinking and decided to say nothing.

He thought Michael didn't understand what he ■d


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