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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 95

Jack kicked the man hard. He dropped onto the floor, writhing in pain.

Seeing this, Rachel was overcome with emotion. Jack approached, bent down, and removed the tape which covered her mouth.

Both of her hands were tied behind her back. With a straight face, Jack carefully but swiftly removed the shoelaces that bound her.

When the laces were removed, an overwhelming feeling of relief came over her. Her eyes welled up with tears.

She felt so lucky. Jack had come just in time.

She remembered how terrified she had been when the three men had said that they would leave her here to die.

She thought about the horrible reality of being thrown away like garbage and with no one knowing where she was.

After successfully freeing her, Jack helped her to her feet. Rachel croaked, "Thank you."

In a low voice, he said, "Seriously? Why so formal with me?"

Rachel opened her mouth and looked up only to find his sour face. He put his arm around her waist, and together, they walked toward Michael. That was when he noticed that something was wrong with her feet. ■d

Frowning, he asked, "What's the matter with your feet?"

Rachel tried to rotate one foot, and a sharp pain shot up her body. It turned out that she had sprained her ankle.

Determined not to be a burden, she clenched her teeth and tried to move her foot again. It hurt even more than it had moments ago.

Awkwardly, she explained, "I think I sprained my ankle. It hurts too much. I can't walk."

Michael kicked the man who was on the floor. When he was sure that the man was unconscious, he turned his head. He saw Jack putting Rachel's arm around his neck and then carrying her with both arms.

Although he knew that it was inappropriate at the moment, Michael couldn't help but let out a loud whistle.

'That's my bro. Way to go, Jack!' he thought.

"Let's go," Jack said.

"Are we going back the way we came?" Michael asked.

Jack replied, "That's our only way out. The gate is locked."

He had found out, while they had been searching for Rachel, that there was no way to open the gate.

"Let's go downstairs first."

They left the three assailants on the floor. Jack, still carrying Rachel, headed down the stairs with ■d


When they had gone up to get Rachel, the fire was small. It had only been burning up to the door of the banquet hall. Now, after the short moment that they had spent upstairs, everything on the first floor was in flames.

Thick, black smoke billowed around them. All the curtains that had been on the windows had burned and fallen down, setting the carpet on fire.

The path that they had walked through earlier was now engulfed in flames. Choking on the smoke, Michael fell back in shock. Coughing, he yelled, "Damn it! What the hell is this? How did this happen?"

Rachel released her hold on Jack and said softly, "Put me down."

Jack glanced at her. He stepped back cautiously before setting her down and letting her stand on her feet. Holding onto his arm to maintain her balance, she said, "We have to go back upstairs."

She pointed to the carpet and said, "I don't know what they've poured over here, but it ignites upon contact with fire. The three men upstairs are responsible for this."

This meant that everything outside was now surely in flames. There was no way for them to escape this way.

The only way out now was to run back up the stairs. A worse fate awaited them if they stayed here.

Jack made the call. "Let's go. It's still possible ■d

to go through the flames now. Let's go upstairs and contact the others."

Michael nodded. Without another word, Jack lifted Rachel off the floor. Together, the three rushed up the stairs.

Much to her annoyance, Rachel could not help but blush. She knew what she was feeling was highly inappropriate at the moment. In an attempt to hide her flushed face, she lowered her head and pressed her face against Jack's chest.

What was happening? Why was she feeling this way?

Fortunately, the two men didn't notice a thing. Jack walked as fast as he could with her in his arms. When she pressed her face against his chest so quietly, he felt something strange.

Finally, they were back to where they had encountered the three men. One of the men was conscious now and was anxious to wake his companions but did not expect Jack and his companions to be back.

Before he could even panic, the three simply ignored him and passed him by. They headed straight to the balcony.

Moments later, they found themselves at the entrance to the most conspicuous balcony. Shards of glass, from the window they had broken, were scattered on the floor. Jack and Michael carefully made their way past the sea of glass and approached the railing.

It was dark outside. The three were relieved upon hearing fire truck sirens from a distance. Outside the villa, a crowd had formed and was steadily growing.

Unfortunately, the balcony where they stood was some distance away. The crowd could not easily see them, and there was no guarantee that anyone would hear them if they shouted.

Realizing this, Michael hurriedly took out his phone and called Marcus.

Smoke from the downstairs windows rose up and reached them where they stood. Choking and with watery eyes, they had to move backward. The fire was quickly consuming the building.


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