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My Disabled CEO Stood up And Kissed Me novel Chapter 104

Chapter 104 Fasten Your Clothes to Avoid Cold

Natalie turned the phone screen to face down and hurriedly gathered her gown around her.

Maggie yelled at this moment, "Sorry I pulled your gown."

Natalie lowered her eyes and coughed. "You hang up first!"

Kendrick hummed softly in an inexplicable tone. Then Natalie heard the video being turned off.

Looking up, she saw Maggie smiling.

She moved over and asked, "You didn't see anything, did you?"

Maggie pursed her lips. "I didn't see anything, but...Kendrick should..." Maggie looked up and said in surprise, "Nat, you are blushing."

Natalie hooked her arm around Maggie's neck, threatening, "I think you need a beating."

Maggie looked at her curiously, "Nat, you haven't..., have you?"

"What?" Natalie asked.

Maggie said carefully, "My grandpa said that he wanted a grandchild and that he would raise the child."

Natalie muttered, "It's too soon!" After all, Kendrick didn't even mention it. Natalie didn't give a thought to it, either.

Natalie took the script from Maggie's hand and said, "Which part do you not understand? Tell me. I'm going to sleep soon."

Maggie pointed at a paragraph, "Give me some advice about the emotions here."

When the two finished the rehearsal, it was almost twelve o'clock.

After Maggie left, Natalie picked up her phone and wanted to text Kendrick but didn't know how to start the chat.

Finally, she sent a sentence. "Good night, go to bed early."

Ten seconds later, her message was responded. "I can't sleep."

Natalie didn't know what to reply, thinking, "He doesn't follow the usual script. What should I reply to him?" She immediately searched the Internet. Soon she found an article titled "When a man says he can't sleep, a woman with high EQ will reply with the sentences."

Natalie browsed through it and got an answer.

First, comfort him and help him relax. She texted, "It's probably because you have read too many documents, you can apply some soothing essence."

"I did it."

Natalie remained speechless and then replied, "Then I'll chat with you for a while."

"Go to sleep." Kendrick texted back.

Then he added, "It's cold on the mountain, so fasten your clothes."

Natalie remained silent, thinking, "He must be thinking about something."


The air was fresh in the mountain in the morning. Natalie got up early and finished her morning run.

Maggie was taking pictures and saw her. "Nat, come here and let me take pictures of you!"

Natalie refused, "I'm sweaty from running, and my hair is messy. I don't want to take pictures."

"Then you take some pictures of me, okay?"

Natalie wanted to refuse but changed her mind considering she was invited here by Maggie. She took a few photos of Maggie.

Maggie looked at the photos and marveled, "Have you studied photography?"

Natalie was surprised. "It's easy once you know light and composition, isn't it?"

Maggie was speechless.

Seeing Natalie leaving, she asked, "Where are you going?"

"Going back to sleep." Natalie returned to her room, turned on her computer, and began writing a surgical plan.

The surgery was complex. Firstly, the scar formed by the necrotic cells must be removed, and then the collagen scaffolds should be planted to guide nerve regeneration and repair the damage, which would take a long time.

But luckily, under Owen's help, she would feel less stressed.

Natalie finished the plan and sent it to Owen. She looked up and found the sun was setting. It was five o'clock.

She thought, "I came here to work, not to rest."

Natalie got up, washed her face, and put on some makeup before sending a message to Maggie asking where she was.


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