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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1091

It was a video recording from the surveillance camera.

Natalie opened the video and showed it to Selina.

She pointed at the man in the video, who was wearing a black hat and looking over at the Whitlock family villa. She asked, "Selina, do you recognize this man?"

Just when Natalie was talking, the man in the video raised his head inadvertently, and the face that was covered by the hat was clearly recorded by the camera.

Selina trembled.

She recognized him!

He was the young man that she ran into in the park last time, Brennan!

She had stood out for him back then and was nearly humiliated.

She immediately told Natalie, "He's the man I mentioned to you last time, the man I helped in the park!"

Natalie was startled.

She remembered this incident, but why had he shown up in front of the Whitlock family villa?

Natalie could not figure it out, but Selina came up with something.

"Could it be that he came here to thank me?" Selina asked. She had helped him before.

Natalie denied the idea, "He doesn't even know who you are, let alone coming all the way just to thank you. Moreover, he could've just come clean to us, he didn't have to sneak around."

Selina had to agree that Natalie's words made sense.

In that case, then what was the reason?

Selina continued to stare at Brennan in the video. The more she stared at him, the more familiar he seemed to her.

She already had this feeling back in the park where they first met, that there was something inexplicably familiar about him, but she couldn't recall anything.

This time, through the video recording, she had the same feeling once again.

Similarly, she still couldn't recall anything.

Selina's eyes sparkled.

Who on earth was he? She couldn't come up with anything.

Natalie noticed that Selina was in deep thought. She couldn't help but ask, "Selina, what's wrong?"

Selina pointed to the man in the video. "Natalie, I feel like I know this guy, but I can't remember anything."

Natalie asked in surprise, "You know him?"

Selina nodded.

She swore that there was something extremely familiar about him, but she couldn't recall anything.

Not even after searching through the depths of her memories.

Taking in Selina's troubled expression, Natalie comforted her, saying, "Don't rush things. Take this slowly. You can't come up with anything if you're being too hard on yourself."

Selina knew what Natalie said was reasonable.

Thus, she nodded.

Natalie then diverted the topic and mentioned, "By the way, I might be delivering real soon."

Surprised and delighted, Selina asked, "Really? When will it be?"

Natalie touched her belly with a smile. "Maybe this week. The doctor said the baby is already in position."

Selina had a puzzled look. "What does that mean?"

Natalie laughed. "You wouldn't know until you're pregnant. It means my delivery is near."

Selina then replied, "That's great, then. Tobias will be able to see the birth of his second child with his own two eyes."

Tobias wasn't aware back then when Natalie delivered Hayden.

Fortunately, this time around, Tobias would be here to welcome their second baby.

Natalie nodded. There was a tinge of emotion in her smile.

"Natalie, I'm so happy for you," Selina sighed softly.

Natalie smiled and pursed her lips, "I know right?"


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