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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1139

It was like a thunderbolt had been struck from the sky.

The bag opened to reveal condoms and all kinds of women's sex toys.

It was far too vulgar.

Matthew's brain started to buzz at this sight.

She was such a simple and innocent girl. Why would she have such things in her bag?

There were even condoms?

The condoms were definitely not prepared for him. As they had decided to get married, and with Mr. Whitlock expecting to be a grandfather soon, they greatly needed to bear a child.

However, if none of this were for him, then who else could it be for?

Although Lothar's bloody head looked absolutely frightful, it wasn't a major injury at all. The doctor simply bandaged it up.

Lothar looked at Selina with a face full of gratitude and said, "Thank you, Selina, for coming with me to the hospital."

She patted him on his shoulder, "You don't have to thank me. We're good friends, as close as brothers."

He shot her a slightly embarrassed smile in return.

Glancing at the time, he saw that almost an hour had passed, which meant that he had managed to distract Selina for the duration he was instructed to.

He was supposed to give her a brief farewell, but he couldn't help but ask, "Have you reconciled with your ex-husband?"

"Yes," Her voice was oozing with irresistible sweetness as she said, "We've made up."

He replied in a somewhat sour tone, "Congratulations then. You've always wanted to make up with him."

She shook her head at this, "No, you should be congratulating him instead, for getting a girl like me back, right?"

She beamed at him.

Her smile left him in a daze.

She looked so charming when she smiled. It was like moonlight, so luminous that it could light up the whole starry sky.

After some hesitation, he spoke in a low voice,

"Yes, he's a very fortunate man."

She then replied, "Seeing as you are alright now, I'll head back then. I still have a lot of things to do at home."

Hayden wasn't at school today and Peter was staying at the Whitlock family's villa as well. Therefore, she couldn't stay out for too long.

Lothar responded with a soft oh.

All of a sudden, something popped into his head and he cried out for her to stop.

Hearing his voice, she stopped and looked back at him.

He then asked her in a nervous tone, "Umm, have you run into any situations that were out of the ordinary lately?"

She looked completely confused.

She answered, "What kind of situations? No, I don't think I can recall any."

Lothar sighed in relief when he heard this.

It was good that there was nothing strange going on.

He then told her seriously, "If anything unusual happens, you must inform me immediately."

This made her even more confused.

"How do you know that I would encounter such a situation in the future, and why should I tell you?"

Lothar let out a dry laugh, "You must have forgotten that I'm a fortune teller. If you ever meet a disaster or something later on, let me know in advance, and I'll tell you how to evade it."

Selina didn't say anything in return.

She still felt quite bewildered with this whole conversation.

"My luck is very good. I'm sure there would be no such disaster." After saying that, she smiled at him and left.

Lothar's gaze lingered on her disappearing silhouette, his eyes shining with mixed emotions.

He hoped that what she just said was true.

The moment Selina returned to the villa, she saw Matthew.

He was sitting on the sofa, his face clouded over by a serious expression.

However, all she could see was his handsome face, and did not notice the dark emotions swirling upon it.

People in love were always like this. They were overjoyed simply by catching a mere glimpse of each other. How could they notice anything else?

She walked over to him and circled her arms around his neck from the back. "Why did you


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