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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1141

However, Selina hurriedly pulled out his hands from behind his back, and saw that his fair palms had turned crimson.

Anguish filled her eyes.

"Let's go to the doctor's and let them take care of this for you."

"There's no need, Selina."

But she insisted, "No, you have to go. What if something goes wrong?"

Matthew had no choice but to follow her to the Whitlock family's private medical room.

After the doctor gave him a full examination, he declared that it was not a serious injury, but his hands had definitely been burned.

While he spread ointment onto Matthew's hands, Selina asked, her face full of worry, "Will there be a scar?"

"Will he be in pain?"

"How many days will it take to heal?"

"Is there anything I should pay attention to when it comes to his diet?"

Even she did not notice how many questions she had given the doctor in such a short time.

The inky pools of Matthew's eyes started to stir at this sight.

He had never anticipated that the minor burns on his hand would trigger such a huge reaction from her.

Her name subconsciously spilled from his thin lips, "Selina."

She looked up, her gaze trailing from his hands up to his face.

Her eyes were crystal clear.

Matthew was entranced once more.

The conversation between her and that man, the image of the things that he found in her bag, and her earnest eyes that were now staring straight at him flashed like a whirlwind in his mind.

With concern written all over her face, she asked, "Are you feeling better now? Does it still hurt?"

"No, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Her happiness was evident, the corner of her lips quickly lifting, "That's good."

She looked like a happy little mouse who had successfully stolen pumpkin seeds from the kitchen, and was now nibbling on them.

At this sight, he felt a strong tug somewhere in his heart.

She then said to him,"Well, let's go and have dinner. It's about time for dinner anyway."

The entire event of Matthew's scalded hand made her forget about her previous unhappiness in a snap of a second.

Or maybe she was just purposefully comforting herself. Convincing herself that Matthew wasn't his usual self because he was too tired, so she had to be considerate towards him.

He gave her a monotonous reply, "Okay."

They walked from the private infirmary to the dining room. The Whitlock family's villa was humongous so it took them a lot of time.

Throughout their journey, Matthew did not speak a single word to her.

Selina could not help but break the silence, "Are you worn out from work today?"

It would explain why this man's behavior was completely out of character.

Instead of answering her, he jumped to a different topic, "At half- past one, were you with your friend?"

She hummed in agreement as she shuffled through her memories.

After thinking for a moment, she said, "Don't worry. Even though he's a man, he is just an

ordinary friend."

Matthew's eyes darkened at her response, "What were you guys talking about?"

It wasn't possible for her to immediately recall by command. She just remembered that what she and Lothar conversed about seemed to center around Matthew.

Her cheeks flushed a light red.

She said in a somewhat delicate manner, "I won't tell you."

However, her blushing face and her softened tone were all taken into account by Matthew, and taken to meant something else.

He could feel his heart sink even further down to his stomach .

This evening's dinner was no different from before, except for the addition of Selina's homemade soup and Matthew's strange behavior.

Of course, no one else except Selina had noticed this abnormality with Matthew.

The reason behind this was that Matthew hadn't passed her any food since their meal started.


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