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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1149

His skin was wrinkled but very rosy.

Although his eyes were closed, it was obvious that he possessed good facial features.

This was Selina's first time seeing a newborn.

It wasn't as if she had never seen a baby before, but the ones that she had seen were months-old babies that were chubby and plump.

This was her first time seeing a baby that was born less than a day ago!

Selina's heart shivered in shock.

A newborn baby was truly very different from the months-old children that she had previously seen!

Selina was not the only one feeling this way as Matthew was experiencing similar emotions too.

It was also his first time seeing a newborn.

His eyes glimmered with a strange light.

Sometime in the future, he and Selina would have a newborn of their own too. The baby would be the fruit of their love, living proof of their devotion to each other.

They would be by the child's side through its growth.

Their child would be a continuation of their lives.

With such thoughts in his head, Matthew couldn't stop himself from reaching out and holding Selina's hand.

Selina subconsciously glanced up at him, only to find Matthew's shining eyes staring at her.

The shivers of her heart intensified upon the sight.

Selina couldn't resist asking, her voice soft as she spoke, "Matthew, do you like children a lot?"

He replied in a gentle yet firm manner, "I do. I like them very much."

The pools of her eyes rippled at his reply.

It suddenly dawned on Selina that she and Matthew would have a child of their own in the future.

Matthew adored children, and was well-tempered and patient as well, which meant that he would definitely be the best father in the world.

Words spilled out of her lips before Selina could stop herself, "Well be like this in the future too."

The corner of his lips lifted at her declaration, "Yes, Selina, we will have a child we can call our own."

She couldn't help smiling back at him.

Their hearts overflowed with joy.

In the near future, they would be raising their own children, just as Natalie and Tobias were doing right now.

After receiving the call in the morning, Peter had rushed over as well.

As soon as he arrived, he complained that not only did they not call him in time, but that they had caused him to be late too.

Cecilia gently said, "Dad, we were only worried about your health."

Peter's eyes widened at this. "Is my health more important than the birth of my great-grandson?"

Cecilia merely smiled in response.

However, all of Peter's complaints and anger immediately vanished once he laid eyes on the newborn.

Peter's lips pulled into a wide grin.

His wrinkled face lit up with a bright smile.

He was so excited that his hands, which were carrying the newborn, started shaking. "This is a descendant of the Whitlock family. A successor of the Whitlock bloodline."

The newborn was not afraid of Peter as he stared at Peter with wide eyes.

This only made Peter's excitement grow.

Matthew and Selina were at the hospital for the whole day and they did not leave even after night had fallen.

Besides, the fact that Peter wanted to stay behind meant that they definitely could not leave.

Although he didn't need them to watch over him, the only proper thing they could do now would be to stay.

Therefore, a lot of people slept in different wards that night.

Tobias and Natalie stayed in a resting room that was prepared especially for new mothers, while Cecilia and the newborn stayed in the baby's room. Peter resided in a ward of his own, whereas Matthew and Selina shared another ward.

Once they got to their designated ward, Matthew and Selina felt exhaustion overtake them. They felt as if they would fall asleep the moment their bodies hit the bed.

However, once they really got into bed, all drowsiness dissipated.

An odd atmosphere gradually emerged.

Matthew's arms were wrapped around Selina's waist.


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