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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1214

Matthew's eyes were conflicted.

After a while, he answered the phone.

"Matthew, long time no see." Reid's voice came down the line.

He seemed to be in high spirits.

"Get straight to the point."

"Let's meet up first."

"There is no need." Matthew added, "I will not support your company."

Reid sneered into the phone.

He had no intention of asking for Matthew's help. Matthew didn't have to mention his bankrupt company. It only caused Reid to hate him even more.

"My company used to be one of the biggest in the world, but now it's completely gone thanks to you," Reid retorted coldly.

"You asked for it." Matthew was nonchalant.

"In return for sending your woman to your bed? Matthew, I am your elder brother!" Reid adopted a self righteous, brotherly tone.

Matthew's voice was calm. "If you really thought of yourself as my brother, you would not have done such a despicable thing."

Reid snorted.

He was at a loss for a response.

Reid changed the topic. "Matthew, are you sure you won't meet me?"

"No, I won't."

"Not even if I have information on your disappearance eight years ago?" Reid raised his voice.

Matthew was speechless.

"Did you know what happened then?" Matthew asked.

His tone was still impassive.

Reid's voice was full of resentment. "Of course. You just wanted to take over our father's business and take all the credit for what happened then. Otherwise, the old man would not have transferred most of the shares to you instead of me, the eldest son!"

Matthew suddenly laughed out loud.

His laughter was as cold as ice.

Even after Reid had known about what happened eight years ago, he could still say such words.

Matthew went to Germany eight years ago for the sake of his father and the Perry family, yet Reid made it seem like he was trying to gain control over Perry Group.

"Reid, are the company's shares more valuable than our father's life to you?" Matthew asked harshly.

Reid spoke with contempt. "Don't try to fool me with pretty words, Matthew. You are nothing but a hypocrite. Don't think that you are superior to others. It's human nature to be greedy, so keep those self-righteous words to yourself."

Matthew had had enough of Reid for one day. "Since this is your point of view, forget it. I have nothing to say to a heartless person like you."

"Eight years ago, you disappeared and lost your memory. Aren't you curious as to what I know?" Reid interrupted him before he hung up.

Matthew hesitated for a moment.

His handsome brows furrowed. "What do you know?"

"I know what happened to you during six months of your disappearance. If you agree to meet up, I will tell you all I know."

"Not interested." After saying that, Matthew hung up the phone.

He strode to the garage and got in his car.

Just as he was about to start the engine, Matthew suddenly froze.

Appalling scenes appeared in his mind.

War, blood, and death.

Matthew closed his eyes in pain. His head felt like it was going to burst.

After the excruciating pain passed, he opened his eyes.

His eyes were bright.

Matthew started the engine and drove out of the garage.

A black car was parked at the gates of the villa, blocking Matthew's way.

A glint flashed across Matthew's eyes.

He got out of the car.

Someone got out from the black car as well.

It was Reid. He looked at Matthew and smiled.

His smile was ominous and sinister.

"Reid, I said I'm not interested in meeting you. You better not test my patience." Matthew's words were as cold as ice.

Reid smirked. "But Matthew, I can't help myself. I just need to talk to you."


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