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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1222

Selina consoled herself. Matthew had probably left early for work, which meant he was extremely busy. She should be understanding and not complain.

Erine put down the watering can in her hand. "Miss Whitlock, breakfast is ready. I'll serve it to you now."

"All right."

Walking to the kitchen, Erine served Selina scrambled eggs, French toast, milk and so on.

Selina took a sip of the milk and asked, "Erine, did Matthew manage to have his breakfast?"

"No. He left in a hurry this morning," Erine said.

Selina felt sorry for Matthew.

Matthew's work was so hectic, he didn't even have time to eat his breakfast.

"Miss Whitlock, what would you like to eat for lunch? I'll prepare it for you." Erine was busy clearing up the plates.

Selina laughed out loud.

"I'm still eating my breakfast. Why are you asking about lunch so soon?" Erine was embarrassed. "It's nothing, I just like to be prepared. Miss Whitlock, what would you prefer?"

Selina thought for a moment before she replied, "Let's have Matthew's favorite dishes for lunch."

"Is he coming back for lunch?" Erine asked in surprise.

Selina shook her head. "He's so busy that he probably won't even have lunch. I will go to his office and bring him a lunchbox. Or else, his body might collapse."

Erine agreed with her. "That is a good idea, he tends to skip meals if he is busy with work. I'll hurry up and prepare lunch now. Miss Whitlock, you can send it to the office at noon."

At the office, Matthew had prepared official documents of estate transfer for all his assets.

It was impossible for him to betray Selina.

Yet, he owed Saoirse too much.

He had to make a choice between the two of them.

He could not be with Saoirse, but as compensation he would give up everything he had worked so hard to establish.

Matthew met up with Saoirse.

Saoirse's complexion was pale, and her eyes were puffy.

Liselle was standing aside, staring daggers at Matthew.

"Saoirse, I'll tell you the reason why I suddenly disappeared eight years ago." Matthew broke the silence.

No matter what, he had to explain to her why he left and disappeared without a trace eight years ago.

Saoirse nodded, her eyes red.

"At that time, I was on a plane to Glevania. The plane encountered strong turbulence, so all the passengers had to disembark using a parachute. When I jumped, my previous trauma overwhelmed me." Matthew paused.

Blood, bullets, and smoke appeared in his mind.

Even after all these years, he still felt a lingering fear when he thought about it.

"My brain instinctively blocked the painful memories from resurfacing." Matthew continued, "It may be difficult to believe, but I had dissociative amnesia. All my memories were still intact except for the memory of six months in Germany with you." "Is that what happened?" Saoirse murmured.


Saoirse did not doubt Matthew's words.

There was no need for this man to lie to her.

Moreover, she believed that Matthew was not a callous person. What he said at the moment was equivalent to giving her an explanation for his disappearance.

She smiled sadly. "William, I know why you selectively lost the memories about me. It's because we have nothing to remember, right? Although we were husband and wife, you don't have any feelings for me at all, do you?"

She stared at Matthew with her beautiful blue eyes.

Matthew could not avoid her gaze.

He lowered his eyes to hide his emotions. "I'm sorry."


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