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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1242

Matthew spoke in a saddened tone, "Selina, she's my wife. I married her many years ago."

At that moment, Selina could only feel as if a wave came crashing into her, tossing her whole body against its rough currents, making it difficult for her to breathe.

She had been kidnapped not too long ago, and when that happened, she had been thrown to the bottom of a river.

She still remembered the feelings of discomfort as if it had just happened yesterday.

She had thought that that would be her most painful experience of her life. Yet she didn't anticipate that those feelings would be easier to bear than what she was feeling right then!

A bone-crushing pain washed over her, one blow after the other. It was unprecedented.

Matthew was married?

How could he be married?

She had just told the lady on the phone that she was a mistress, and that she better not ruin her relationship with Matthew.

It turned out that after making such a big fuss...

She herself was apparently the mistress!

Selina felt her whole world caving in.

Her legs went weak, and she almost fell to her knees.

But Matthew held her up.

A look full of repressed pain appeared on his face, "Selina, listen to me..."

She immediately cut him off, "There is nothing for you say!"

Things had already transpired up till this point. What else was needed to be said?

She had initially thought that this was a misunderstanding, that it was another one of Caroline's tricks.

However, everything was clear now.

It was neither a mistake nor a scheme.

That woman was Matthew's wife. He had admitted himself that they had gotten married many years ago.

Selina then mumbled under her breath, "Stop talking. Don't say anything. I'll leave. I'll just go."

No matter how much Selina loved Matthew, she would never be a mistress and ruin a marital relationship.

Selina turned around to leave.

However, Matthew followed her, "Selina."

Selina had a huge reaction towards this, staring at him with her red-rimmed eyes, "I want to be alone. Don't follow me."

"Alright. I'll let you calm down for a bit," he said hoarsely.

He didn't follow her pace then. She walked in front of him whilst he merely followed her from behind.

Selina walked around aimlessly. She had no idea where she could go.

For a moment, she was like a mechanical doll, devoid of a soul or thoughts, lost with no directions.

She was almost hit by a car as she tried to cross the road absentmindedly.

In that horrifying instant, a pair of long arms grabbed her from behind.

Selina fell into a warm embrace.

The hug bore the aura of a familiar man.

Nevertheless, she didn't feel any affection towards it at all. She only felt a deep sense of disgust.

This was because she was currently being held by a married man.

He had a wife yet he'd acted as if he was single and pursued her. He'd pretended to be loving and filled a room with portraits of her. He'd even went to lengths to proclaim that he had fallen in love with her many years ago.

Looking back at this now, it was frightening for her to say that everything seemed to have been arranged earlier on.

Just how cunning could this man be?

Selina fiercely pushed Matthew away.

In a voice thick with hatred, she hissed, "Didn't I say not to follow me?"

"Selina, I'm worried about you. With the state of mind that you are in right now, I'm worried that something may happen to you."

How could he not stay by her side whilst she was in the state she currently was in? How could he be so irresponsible?

Selina's tender eyebrows knitted together at his words, "I would rather die in a car crash than see you. Matthew, you absolutely disgust me!"

Her last words pierced through his heart like dozen of swords.

Matthew's face paled to a sickly white.


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