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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1344

Matthew frowned.

His assistant continued in a trembling voice, "Mr. Perry, the second thing is that there are rumors about you and your personal assistant, Saoirse all over the Internet."

Matthew's heart sank.

He asked his assistant for his phone.

The majority of websites had already taken down the news about Matthew, all but one media reporter.

Matthew clicked on the article.

It was a detailed description of his affair with the daughter of the Whitlock family, Selina.

"Take down the news immediately," Matthew ordered.

The assistant wiped away the beads of sweat forming on his forehead, "I have already tried to reason with them but they had no intention of doing so, they claimed that they have freedom of speech," he informed Matthew.

"Which media outlet is it?" Matthew's voice turned cold, "I'll handle it."

Half an hour later, the last report about Matthew's affair was finally withdrawn.

However, things did not end there.

There were many forums that were still discussing this matter.

The amount of posts were insurmountable.

Even if they had deleted all the posts on the forum, people would still discuss this.

Matthew arranged for Erine to be sent home.

There was no use in her staying there.

Saoirse also saw the news.

"How could this happen, William? Why is there such news?" she asked him anxiously.

Matthew gave her a look, "It's impossible for the media to have photos of our marriage certificate," he said simply.

Saoirse became even more panicked with his answer.

"William, you're doubting me, you think that I was the one who disclosed this to the media," her voice quivered.

"Saoirse, I'm not saying that you did it, but our marriage certificate was indeed leaked," he said matter-of-factly.

"I really don't know what's going on," she shook her head desperately, "I swear in the name of Jesus, I really don't know what's going on," she repeated again.

As she spoke, the rims of her eyes turned red.

She looked as if she was about to cry.

Matthew's breathing halted.

He softened his tone and said, "Saoirse, don't be nervous. We can't make any conclusion before this matter is investigated thoroughly, just leave this matter to me."

"William, it really wasn't me, you have to believe me," she pleaded with him.

Matthew's voice lowered, "Don't worry, Saoirse, I will investigate this matter."

With that, Matthew just turned and left.

Saoirse froze for a moment.

She then turned on her cell phone and looked at the news carefully.

Once again, she saw the photos of her and Matthew's marriage certificate.

Saoirse felt her breath stop.

She had always carried around her marriage certificate. How could it have been photographed?


Saoirse immediately rushed back to her villa.

On the other hand, Liselle was sitting on the sofa, scrolling through her phone.

She was laughing.

She had been delighted when she saw the abusive comments directed towards Selina.

Saoirse suddenly walked in.

"Liselle, what are you looking at?" Saoirse asked.

Liselle stood up immediately.


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