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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1352

Francia continued on, "Bowie wants to marry this kind of man. Natalie, you must use this standard when searching for Bowie's future husband. He must be as handsome as your husband!"

Natalie remained silent.

To be honest, there were only a few men who were on par with Tobias.

Natalie sighed, "Aunt, fate really plays a big part in this. But so long as it's someone who has a good character and is financially stable, then it should be alright, looks are really not everything." Natalie tried to reason with them.

Francia immediately frowned at her, "Natalie, you've already found a good-looking man, yet you don't want to help Bowie find one?"

Natalie's head started to pound. "I didn't mean it that way," she started.

"Then why did you say it that way?" Francia retorted back.

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of footsteps.

Natalie hurriedly said, "Tobias is here. You guys should get some rest first."

Francia and Bowie left quickly after hearing that.

Bowie followed Francia to her bedroom.

She grumbled, "Sister Natalie is so selfish, she already found a handsome man yet she doesn't want to help me find one. Mom, what do you make of that?"

Francia's eyes darted around.

"Ha! She is jealous of you. She knows that you're more beautiful and more of a woman compared to her. She's just scared that you'll steal her thunder!"

Bowie nodded along with Francia's statement.

She puffed up her chest, "Well, it's not my fault that I'm more outstanding than her," she said snobbishly.

"Exactly," Francia said, "Don't worry, I'll make sure she finds a handsome man for you, jealous or not."

Bowie nodded with satisfaction.

Tobias's face appeared in her mind again.

Her heart started to pound furiously.

"Natalie's husband is exquisite," she thought.

She was confident that she could also find a goodlooking man like him.

After all, she was better than Natalie in every sense. If Natalie could find someone like that, of course, she could too.

The sound of footsteps belonged to Matthew and not Tobias.

He was going to check on Selina.

His phone had been ringing nonstop since the press conference, but he just ignored it.

His phone started to ring again.

Matthew was worried that the sound would disrupt Selina's sleep, hence he answered the call.

It was from his assistant.

The assistant was close to tears. "Mr. Perry, the stock price of Perry Group has plunged, our shareholders are all here and they are demanding an answer," his voice was shaking.

Matthew lowered his voice, "Don't worry about this, and don't bother me for these few days."

"Mr. Perry, I can't do that, our company is now facing a huge crisis," his assistant shouted.

He had never expected their all-knowing president to carry out such a self-defaming act!

Even their shareholders had complained to him and asked if Matthew had gone mad because of the rumors that had spread in the past few days.

Matthew ignored his assistant.

He just hung up his phone.

He then proceeded to enter Selina's bedroom.

Selina was still sleeping.

Her eyes were shut tightly while her long and thick eyelashes framed her eyes perfectly.

Matthew sat beside Selina.

He held her hand tightly.

He just sat there and stared at Selina's sleeping figure, as if trying to engrave her features into his heart and blood.

That night, Matthew just sat by Selina's bedside till sunrise.

The scandal about Matthew's affair had led to a huge wave of discussion, however, it had only been limited to the Internet.

Hence, the scandal was yet to be widely known. After all, not everyone would spend all their time on the Internet.


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