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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1451

Cecilia felt worried and uneasy.

Natalie was about to break out in cold sweat when she saw that Cecilia's expression had changed.

She shot a look at Bowie, signalling her not to say anything else. However, Bowie just couldn't get the message. She became more talkative, with a face of tears and snot.

Natalie hurriedly said to Cecilia, "Mom, don't listen to her. She likes to talk nonsense,"

This sentence made Bowie jump up in despair, "Natalie, what are you talking about? I am not talking nonsense! Last night, Selina pulled me into the bathroom and said that she was not suitable for Matthew. She said that Matthew and I were a perfect match, and she wanted me to be with Matthew in the Perry family..."

Cecilia was about to collapse.

Seeing this, Natalie stepped on Bowie.


Bowie sat down on the ground in pain.

Natalie pulled Cecilia aside and said softly, "Mom, don't listen to her nonsense,"

Cecilia's face turned pale. "Why would she talk nonsense? Something like that must have happened!"

Natalie patted Cecilia's back gently. "Mom, think about it. Even if Selina really wanted to find another woman for Matthew, she won't choose Bowie. I think Selina sensed Bowie's intentions and decided to play tricks on her. You know that Selina is a prankster."

Natalie's words calmed Cecilia down.

Indeed, even if Selina really didn't want to be with Matthew, it was impossible for her to match-make Bowie with Matthew unless she was blind. After all, the gap between them was too obvious.

It wasn't that Natalie was looking down on Bowie, it was just the truth.

After a while, Cecilia said to Natalie, "Natalie, call Matthew and Selina and tell them to come over tonight. I want to talk to them,"

Natalie didn't call Selina, but she called Matthew.

She told Matthew on the phone that Cecilia wanted them to come by tonight.

"We will be there tonight." Matthew's voice was a little hoarse.

"Matthew, what happened this morning? Did Bowie bother you when she went to your place?"

Natalie also asked Matthew about the incident from before.

The breathing on the other end of the phone became heavier.

After a long time, Matthew spoke up, "Natalie, tell me the truth. Did Selina tell you anything about our relationship?"

Natalie held her breath.

She said dryly, "No. Selina might be overly emotional due to her pregnancy. You're a man so you may not understand, but I have been pregnant before. A pregnant woman's mood is like a rollercoaster,"

"Natalie." There was bitterness in Matthew's tone. "I used to think that Selina's mood swings were due to the pregnancy, but now it is obvious that it's not. She clearly told me that she has no feelings for me."

Natalie was shocked.

After hanging up the phone, Natalie and Cecilia said that they would take Bowie home.

After sending Bowie to the villa that Tobias had bought, Natalie asked the driver to send her to the Perry family's house.

She had to ask Selina what she was thinking, and also needed to persuade her.

If she continued with this nonsense, Cecilia might die because of Selina.

As soon as she entered the Perry family's villa, Natalie saw Prine.

Prine and Natalie kept talking about Selina.


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