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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1563

After taking a bite of it, Kylin chuckled and said, "Delicious! This is the best pork ribs I've ever tasted in my entire life."

Yesseca smiled, looking quite embarrassed. "It's not that good."

"It is that good." Kylin said earnestly.

Yesseca's face flushed red.

Selina was delighted to see the two of them get along so well.

These two looked like they had a chance!

"How interesting!"

After dinner, Selina decided to have a chat with Yesseca and Kylin.

Selina praised Kyi in's modesty and other positive attributes of his.

After all, Kylin had already seen Yesseca's good side. She had to show her his admirable traits as well.

So Selina talked incessantly about him.

She went on to brag about how Kylin had been a straight A student and that he was beloved by the Whitlock family. She even told her about the time he saw a person getting robbed on the street and how valiant he was in rescuing them.

Kylin said modestly, "Well, cousin, you didn't have to say all of that."

But Selina continued anyway, warmly espousing her cousin's magnanimity.

She widened her eyes excitedly. "Why can't I say it? I want Yesseca to know how great my cousin is."

Kylin was speechless.

Seated across from him, Yesseca was stunned at how amazing he was.

She didn't go to college and looked up at those who did. When she learned that Kylin had actually graduated from an American university, she admired him even more.

When Selina noticed the look of adoration in Yesseca's eyes, she grew even more excited.

Kylin felt terribly embarrassed.

He quickly changed topics to put an end to the barrage of praises being sung about him.

Time quickly flew by and it was time for Yesseca to go home. Kylin wanted to send her home, of course.

Yesseca felt embarrassed.

She said, "If the driver isn't here, I can call for a taxi. Please don't trouble yourself Kyi in." "It's no trouble at all!" Selina insisted. She then looked at Kyi in and asked, "It's no trouble for you, isn't it Kyi in?"

Kylin smiled and said, "No trouble at all. I have time."

Not long after they had left, Matthew returned.

Selina told him everything that had happened today and said excitedly, "I think those two are very interested in each other. They'll be together soon enough."

"Are they really interested in each other, or is this just your overactive imagination?" Matthew asked wearily.

He thought that Selina was probably looking at the situation with rose colored spectacles..

Selina opened her eyes wide. "How is this all in my mind? It's all true. When they talked, they kept looking into each other's eyes. It's so interesting."

Matthew kept quiet.

He felt even more helpless than ever.

Those two wouldn't move that fast anyway. Kylin and Yesseca weren't the type to flirt with each other in front of other people, especially Kylin. He figured those two would do much better in private, without other people snooping around them.

Matthew thought about this for a moment and reminded Selina, "You'd better not stick your nose into this. If Yesseca and Tremaine actually like each other, you shouldn't stop them."

"Of course not!" She glared angrily at Matthew, "I didn't ask you the last time. Why did you help Tremaine again?"

"I'm not vouching for him. I'm just stating a fact."

"Matthew, Tremaine has a child. I'm not gonna let Yesseca end up as his stepmother!"

Matthew was quite optimistic about this.


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