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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1581

She received a phone call.

It was from Tremaine.

He was waiting for Yesseca at the entrance of the shopping mall.

He was very curt. After telling Yesseca that he was waiting for her, he immediately hung up.

Yesseca needed to head over to the Quartley villa that day anyway.

She had borrowed the maid's dress that morning and wanted to return it to her.

Yesseca walked towards the entrance of the mall. When she was almost there, she received another phone call.

Yesseca answered her phone.

This time it was Kylin.

Kyi in said he would take Yesseca to the Perry family villa for dinner tonight.

Yesseca rejected his invitation, "I'm sorry Kylin. I have something on tonight."

"Come on." Kyi in's voice was as soft and gentle as ever. "I've been waiting outside the mall for you. I'm at the entrance."

Yesseca was quiet.

She was dumbfounded at her situation. Kylin had just hung up the phone.

Yesseca looked at the entrance and saw both cars.

There was Rolls-Royce and a Lincoln.

Both cars were close to each other.

Yesseca felt dizzy.

"It is such a coincidence that both of them came to pick me up today!"

Although Yesseca was very naive, she knew that it was definitely a bad idea to walk out right now. Regardless of which car she would sit in, the other person would be insulted.

Yesseca took out her phone.

She still had to go over to the Quartley family villa tonight. She had to see Montez and return the dress she borrowed.

Yesseca calleed Kylin.

"Are you done with work?" His gentle voice piped in.

Yesseca said dryly, "Kylin, I really have something on tonight. Please don't wait for me. You should leave."

Kylin paused then smiled. "Well, where are you going? I'll drive you over."

Yesseca was speechless.

She needed to say, "Someone's coming to pick me up"

"Someone's coming to pick you up?" Kylin asked with his voice slightly raised.

"That's right."

"Well, I'll head off then."

Yesseca breathed out a sigh of relief.

After she saw Kylin had driven away, Yesseca stepped out and got into the Rolls-Royce.

However, Kylin saw the whole thing.

His car had still been nearby.

He drove towards a corner and stopped.

He saw Yesseca get into the Rolls- Royce and looked slightly annoyed.

Yesseca was surprised to see Montez in the car.

As soon as she got in the car, Montez threw himself into her arms. "Yessea, I've missed you so much. I really did."

After saying that, he pushed his head into Yesseca's arms.

Yesseca laughed. "We saw each other this morning. It hasn't been that long."

Montez shook his little head. "As they say, a single day apart feels as long as three whole years. We haven't seen each other for an entire day. Don't you believe me?"

Yesseca smiled quietly.

"You are so adorable!"

"Yesseca, my daddy says he'll treat you to dinner tonight!" Montez said excitedly.

Yesseca looked at Tremaine, who was driving the car.

"I still have to return this dress." Yesseca explained to Montez, "I borrowed it from a maid this morning. I'll have to return the clothes tonight."

"It's fine, I'll return it for you."

Yesseca considered this.


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