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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1597

Zorion moved to stop her. "Honey, don't tear them up. I made this stack for you, and only for you."

Yuliana paused for a moment then immediately tore up the last paper crane into pieces.

Who would want this idiot to fold a stack of paper cranes for her!

Did he think that Yuliana was just as stupid as he was, like some three-year-old child?!

Yuliana pointed at Zorion and said, "Next time, if you fold these things again, I'll teach you a lesson!"

Ruth hurried downstairs.

She stopped Zorion and said, "Mr. Zorion, please don't upset her. I'll take you out to play a game instead."

Zorion didn't move.

Yuliana glared at Zorion and walked upstairs in frustration.

Zorion stayed on the sofa, looking dejected.

Ruth was shocked at how angry Yuliana was.

She continued, "Mr. Zorion, didn't I tell you not to provoke Madam Yuliana? You'll have a hard time if you anger her."

Zorion looked sad and felt wronged.

He looked at Ruth with tears in his eyes. "Ruth, I just wanted to fold some paper cranes for my wife. Why did she tear up all my paper cranes? Why? I've been folding for such long time. Is it because they were ugly?"

Ruth's heart ached.

She quickly said softly, "No Mr. Zorion. The paper cranes you've folded are the best paper cranes I've ever seen."

"Then why did she tear them all up? Doesn't she like me, Ruth?" Zorion asked.

Ruth didn't know how to answer.

It was obvious that Yuliana didn't like Zorion. In fact she hated Zorion and wished he was dead.

But how could she tell him that?

"Telling Zorion would be as good as stabbing him in the back!"

"Ruth, why aren't you saying anything? Am I right? Does my wife hate me?" Zorion noticed that Ruth wasn't saying anything and hurriedly asked her those questions.

"Mr. Zorion, wait." Ruth then quickly ran to the table and took a small mirror.

She took the small mirror and placed it in front of

Zorion. "Mr. Zorion, look into the mirror."

Zorion looked at the mirror.

"Mr. Zorion, don't you think the person in the mirror is handsome?" Ruth asked.

Zorion stared at himself in the mirror.

Large eyes, a sharp nose, thin lips. He was handsome.

"Wow, I really am." Zorion said.

"That's right." Ruth said softly, "You are so handsome. How could anyone hate you? You have nothing to worry about."

Zorion picked up the mirror.

He took another look at himself then placed the mirror aside.

Zorion looked at Ruth and said, "Ruth, sit down."

She did so.

To her surprise, Zorion rested his head on her lap.

Ruth held her breath.

But soon a warm tenderness filled her eyes.

If this was done by any other man, it would have been highly suggestive.

But since it was Zorion, there was no such intent.

He was like a child leaning on his mother's lap.

"Ruth," Zorion said sadly. "I feel like my wife doesn't love me, but I love her very much. I'm always looking for ways to please her, but why does it never work? She hates me, doesn't she?"

"No, Mr. Zorion, that's not true."

"Yes, she does!" Zorion said, "She hates me. My wife doesn't love me."


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