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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 431

Selina kept quiet about her unwillingness at heart and stopped talking.

Cecilia glanced at Lucy, "Lucy, you look very pretty today."

Lucy was wearing a red strapless dress with beautiful makeup and matching red lipstick. It camouflaged her natural lovely temperament, but it made her look glamorous and vibrant.

"So do you, auntie." Lucy said sweetly.

Cecilia smiled and said, "You should change the way you address me in the future."

There was gloom in Lucy's eyes.

The gloom soon disappeared; no one ever noticed it.

She smiled sweetly at Cecilia, but she said nothing.

Selina could not stand it anymore.

She pulled Cecilia to one side.

"Mother, do you really want this woman to get engaged to Tobias? Do you really want this woman to marry him?"

Cecilia said, "That's right."

Selina sounded very unhappy, "Have you forgotten about Natalie? Why are you as fickle as Tobias?"

Cecilia's expression changed slightly.

After a while, she gave Selina a look, "Selina, there's no way for Tobias and Natalie to be together. Do you want your brother to stay single for the rest of his life?"

Selina said in a soft voice, "I don't mean that, but Natalie hasn't left for too long, and yet..."

"Selina!" Cecilia suddenly raised her voice.

Selina was shocked.

She licked her dry lips.

She had rarely seen Cecilia behaving in such a strict manner, so she was a little scared.

Cecilia's face was pale but her gaze was harsh, "In future, you are not allowed to talk about Natalie. This is the first and last time I'm telling you this."

After that, Cecilia walked away.

Selina stuck out her tongue, as she did not submit to her.

Was everyone so fickle nowadays?

Not just Tobias, but even her own mother!

Selina felt miserable.

She missed Natalie. She really did.

Cecilia went into the washroom.

Her face was ghastly pale.

She fixed her makeup and touched up with a face blush.

She could only look better that way.

She could stay calm in front of everyone.

But only she knew how anxious she was at that moment and how she had been tormented as the hours passed.

After she touched up her makeup, she took out her phone.

His hands trembled for no reason as she was making a call.

The call was soon connected.

"Joshua, how's Natalie?" Cecilia's voice was shivering.

"Madam, Miss Godfrey's cervix has only dilated for about 1 cm." Joshua said anxiously.

"She...she is in pain, isn't she?" Cecilia tightened her grip on her phone.

"Miss Godfrey is in constant pain and the gap of each pain is getting shorter in duration."

Cecilia's face turned really pale.

"You must insist on a c-section if she's in too much pain." Cecilia made up her mind.

Natalie had been in pain for nearly three days. If the pain continued, Cecilia was afraid that something bad would happen to her.

"Yes, Madam." Joshua promised.

After hanging up, Cecilia walked out.

She forced a smile.

It was the engagement ceremony between Tobias and Lucy that day. There were a lot of things she needed to handle.

Cecilia forced herself to cheer up.

But no matter how badly she tried to cheer herself up, Cecilia's mind was constantly on Natalie. She was constantly worried about whether Tobias was able to see right through her.

The engagement ceremony officially began.

The hall was decorated romantically. The host went on stage shortly.


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