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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 806

Hayden said, "I heard Great-grandpa talking about Aunt too, saying that if she doesn't get married soon, she would turn into leftovers, and that there wouldn't be any chance for her in the future!"

Cecilia laughed as she poked Hayden's forehead. "What nonsense are you talking about, child?"

Hayden widened his dark, round eyes. "I'm not talking nonsense. I really heard that."

Meanwhile, Natalie forced a smile.

She thought of Dylan again, whom she had met that day.

Why had such a good girl like Selina ended up wasting her time on such a man?

As long as she wanted, there would be countless outstanding men who she could choose from, so why was Selina so foolish?

"By the way, Natalie, why hasn't Selina come back yet?" Cecilia asked Natalie with a smile.

Natalie's eyelashes fluttered slightly.

At first, she wanted to tell Cecilia the truth. However, she decided against it this time.

If Cecilia heard that, she would definitely feel

rather alarmed.

Natalie swallowed what she originally wanted to say.

She instead replied, "I think she has some business to attend to."

Fortunately, Cecilia didn't think much about it.

Then, Natalie accompanied Hayden to finish reading the book.

Hayden had played around quite a lot that afternoon. He didn't get to take a nap like he usually did, which was why he became sleepy very early on. After a while, Natalie went to bring Hayden to bed.

After Hayden fell asleep, Tobias still hadn't returned yet.

Natalie made a call to Tobias.

The call was picked up after a moment.

"Natalie," Tobias' low voice came over the phone.

His voice was already pleasing in the first place, but on a call, it sounded lower than usual, which made him sound explosively attractive.

Upon hearing Tobias' voice, Natalie immediately felt at ease.

"Tobias," Natalie murmured softly. "Are you still busy with work?"

The other end of the line paused for a moment.

"Yeah," Tobias responded.

There was a trace of peculiarity in his answer.

However, Natalie did not mind it.

"I went shopping with Selina today, and we met Dylan," Natalie mentioned.

Tobias frowned on the other end of the phone.

Natalie told him everything. "Dylan wants to break up with Selina, but I don't know if they will really break up. I think it'll be a good thing for Selina if they do."

"They can't break up," Tobias replied directly.

Natalie was stunned. "Why?"

"She and that man have been in love for so many years, and her heart's already been filled up with him. How can they break up so easily?" Tobias' tone got even lower.

Natalie's eyes rippled. "But that man isn't Selina's Mr. Right. It will only be painful for her to be with him."

"We all know that, but there's nothing we can do about it." Tobias sounded somewhat helpless.

He, as well as Cecilia, could do nothing about Selina right then. They could only let her do as she liked.

"Natalie, maybe this is her destiny. It's up to her what she does next."

Tobias' words made Natalie feel a little bitter.

She fell silent for a moment before saying, "After that, we met your friend, Matthew, again. He suggested going for a drink, and Selina went to drink with him. That's fine, right? I originally wanted to accompany Selina, but..."

Natalie paused, feeling a little embarrassed.

She just skipped over what she intended to say. "I didn't go with them because I think that Matthew could be trusted."

Tobias thought the same as Natalie.


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