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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 904

"Selina, calm down." Matthew said in a low voice, "I'll leave, so calm down."

After that, he turned and walked out of the room.

Just as he came out of the room, he heard the door slammed behind him.

Selina slammed the door shut.


He heard a crisp sound. It was the lock.

Matthew heaved a sigh.

Natalia was worried while she was waiting downstairs.

She was no longer in the mood to knit the sweater for her baby.

When Matthew arrived with the strange look on his face and said that he wanted to see Selina, Natalie couldn't help but start worrying.

When she saw that Matthew was finally coming down, Natalie breathed a sigh of relief.

However, she soon was put back into her state of worry.

Matthew didn't look too good.

When he first arrived, he was already looking unhappy. However, it was worse now as his face was even paler.

Natalie stood up and said, "Matthew, are you okay?"

Matthew's gaze fell on Natalie's face and his voice became lower. "Natalie, is Madam Lawson here?"

Whether he was framed by someone and was drugged, it was still a cold hard fact that he took Selina's chastity away from her. He owed her family an explanation.

Natalie shook her head and said, "She's not here right now. She had something to do in the United States, and she won't be able to come back for a while."

Matthew's eyes darkened slightly.

After a while, he said again, "Natalie, when will Tobias be back? I need to tell both of you something."

Natalie held her breath.

She was taken aback after hearing what Matthew said.

Tobias had gone on a business trip and would not come back for another two days. Therefore, Matthew decided to tell Natalie about what happened first.

Natalie was left in a daze for a long time before she regained her focus.

Her gaze was fixed on Matthew. "Matthew, are you hiding something from me? I don't believe that you would do such a thing."

Matthew's breathing stopped for a while.

He paused and started talking again, sounding different this time. "I was also drugged."

He omitted that when he was telling her what happened.

After all, he didn't even want to defend himself.

Natalie had a complicated expression on her face.

She wanted to know who was behind it, but she believed that Matthew would solve this matter, so she didn't ask in the end.

What was important now would be Matthew and Selina.

"Matthew, what are you going to do?" Natalie asked.

Matthew voice got deeper, "Since I've taken her virginity, I would want to take responsibility, it's just..."

Matthew didn't need to say any further. Natalie knew.

Would Selina even agree to it?

Natalie's gaze trembled slightly.

To be honest, she had never expected things like this to happen, and she was surprised at how she reacted to it as well.

If it was any other man who took advantage of Selina, Natalie would be pissed and would want to make things right for her.

After all, even though they were not related by blood, she still regarded her as her own sister. They had been very compatible with each other and had gotten quite close.

If her sister was to be bullied, it would be her duty as the sister to protect her.

However, now...

Unexpectedly, Natalie was not unhappy or angry at all.


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