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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 996

Selina's abrupt departure following her disrespectful words had provoked Cecilia greatly.

Having lost all energy in her legs, Cecilia landed heavily on the sofa.

Matthew said anxiously, "Madam, please rest here. I'll go after Selina."

Cecilia could only nod feebly and say, "I'm sorry for troubling you, Matthew."

Matthew was gone by the time Cecilia had finished speaking.

"Selina!" Matthew called out.

At this moment, she was already a distance away and moving faster all the time. Her footsteps did not slow at the sound of his voice.

All of a sudden, Matthew felt a wave of dizziness overcome him.

He had no choice but to stop moving and lean momentarily against the wall. A glance downwards revealed that his sleeve was stained with blood.

Matthew frowned.

Perhaps he had been too hasty when he'd picked Selina up in the condominium, and had reopened

the wound.

By the time he had regained his balance, Selina was nowhere to be seen.

Walking on an empty street, Lothar scanned his surroundings for Selina.

He had received a phone call from Reid when he'd just been about to go to bed.

His benefactor had gone on a short rant before ordering him to go to a certain area and keep an eye out for Selina. He wanted Lothar to strike up a conversation with Selina and get closer to her.

The problem was that Reid himself hadn't known Selina's exact location.

Lothar felt helpless. How would he be able to find Selina on the streets in the middle of the night?

On the other hand, he couldn't reject Reid either.

Reid was the one who had been providing Lothar with financial support, and the one whom he would have to rely on if he wanted to become an idol in future.

Besides Reid, there had been other people who had been willing to give Lothar opportunities.

However, their conditions would have required him to go against his principles or break the law.

Reid's request was simple in comparison.

He just wanted Lothar to get close to Selina and befriend her.

Lothar looked around despairingly. As expected, Selina was nowhere to be seen.

At that particular moment, Selina had started to feel tired from all the running she had been doing.

She turned around and realized that she had lost Matthew.

She let out a sigh of relief.

She stopped running and walked slowly.

As she walked, she nearly stumbled over a pebble.

She suddenly felt rage enveloping her.

She pointed at the pebble and shouted, "You f*cking pebble. Why are you bullying me? It's fine for my mom to nag me because she gave birth to me and raised me. What right do you have to bully me?"

After that, she kicked the pebble hard.

She vented all of her anger by using all of the energy she could muster. As a result, the pebble was sent flying.

Lothar had just been wandering in the direction that Selina happened to be standing. Unfortunately for him, the pebble hit him squarely on the nose.

What an unexpected incident.

Lothar touched his nose and exclaimed in surprise and pain.

It was very painful.

Selina was stunned.

She had simply kicked a pebble. She definitely hadn't expected it to hit someone's face.

She ran over and asked, "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine," Lothar said, only to pause incredulously when he noticed who the person in front of him was. He pointed at Selina and said, "Hey, it's you!"

Selina was stunned as well. She asked, "Aren't you that guy with the surname Cowell?"

"Lothar Cowell," Lothar said.

"Oh, that's right! Lothar Cowell!"

"Ah, you're bleeding!" Selina suddenly pointed at Lothar's forehead and said.

Lothar did not say anything.

They went to a nearby clinic immediately.


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