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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 999

Selina felt helpless. As expected, Cecilia had brought up the topic again.

Selina suddenly understood the intentions behind Matthew's action.

She realized that it was not the heat of the moment that caused Matthew to have the divorce proceedings carried out before they'd returned. Matthew had made the decision after giving the situation a second thought.

He knew that Selina was determined to get a divorce.

He also knew that Cecilia would never agree.

They'd only be in the same situation if Selina went back and tried to persuade her mother to see her point of view.

The only solution to this matter was to make one of them give up completely.

Cecilia would give up if Selina showed her the divorce certificate.

Selina bit her lip so hard that her lips almost bled. After a long time, she took out the divorce certificate, her hands trembling. She said, "It's too late for you to say anything. I've already divorced


Cecilia was stunned.

She looked at the divorce certificate in Selina's hand in shock.

A moment later, she grabbed the divorce certificate in Selina's hand and asked, "Is this a genuine divorce certificate?"

Selina said with a trembling voice, "Mom, it's true. I've divorced Matthew. Mom, please stop behaving like this. Why can't I divorce Matthew? Why do I have to listen to you?"

Cecilia was breathing heavily.

After a while, she looked at Matthew and said, "Matthew, tell me what's going on."

Matthew looked solemn. It was hard to tell what was he thinking. He said in a deep and hoarse voice, "My marriage with Selina has ended. I'm sorry for this."

Cecilia felt as though she had been dealt a heavy blow.

Her lips were trembling. She wanted to say something, but the words didn't come out of her mouth.

Cecilia could still have stopped them from getting a divorce if they hadn't gotten the certificate.

Unfortunately, they had already dealt with the proceedings. There was nothing else she could do.

"Selina was too stubborn. Maybe she was really not meant to be together with Matthew," Cecilia thought.

She stood up weakly.

Looking at Selina sadly, she said, "Forget about it. Since you're not going to listen to me, you're free to do whatever you like. It's not like anything I say could make a difference."

Seeing Cecilia's reaction, Selina was heartbroken.

She felt as if her heart had been torn in two.

She knew that she had broken Cecilia's heart.

Selina couldn't help but walk over and grab Cecilia's hand. She called out, "Mother."

She wanted to have a good conversation with Cecilia, just like how they'd used to do when she was a kid. She wanted Cecilia to stop being angry and sad.

However, Cecilia pushed Selina's hand away.

Selina was stunned for a moment.

Cecilia looked at Matthew and said with an exhausted tone, "Matthew, I'm sorry for all the trouble my daughter has caused."

Selina felt suffocated.

She felt that her mother was belittling her again. Her mother had even apologized to Matthew for all the trouble she had caused.

How could Cecilia feel that Selina was the troublemaker?

How could she think that all this was only because Selina was too stubborn?

Selina was stunned. She stood there motionlessly for a beat.

Then she yelled impulsively, "Mom, you don't care about me at all!"

Cecilia stopped in her path all of a sudden. Under Selina's gaze Cecilia tottered a little, swaying from side to side, before toppling forward like a marionette who'd just had its strings cut.

It was as if all the air in the room had disappeared and she couldn't breathe.


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