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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 120

Everything happened too fast. When Kevin Kyle wanted to save Karen Daly, she was thrown to the bushes by the road.

Kevin Kyle could not do anything but to watch Karen Daly's slim and weak body being thrown out and fell to the ground.

He watched helplessly and couldn't make any sound. The collision seemed to have hit his heart. Listening to the bang, his heart was broken into pieces.

Karen Daly laid on the green lawn. Blood gushing out from the wounds on her legs and pooled on the green lawn. The peony next to her was bright red, but she looked like a withering leaf.

Kevin Kyle's heart sank. He clenched his fist and ran quickly to Karen Daly. He picked her up and held her gently in his arms. " Karen Daly, don't be afraid. I am taking you to the hospital in a minute.

Karen Daly heard Kevin Kyle's voice and twitched the corner of her mouth. It was not sure whether it was because of the pain or because she wanted to pull out a smile to make Kevin Kyle feel at ease.

She looked at Kevin Kyle, and there was a hint of relief in her eyes.

She suddenly raised her hand and put her cold finger between Kevin Kyle's eyebrows. She gently rubbed it and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine. It just hurts a little."

It's okay...

How could she be fine?

The wound on her leg was so horrible and a lot of blood was gushing out. How could it be all right?

It was painful, very painful. Every time she twisted her face because of pain, it felt like a nail pierced through Kevin Kyle's heart.

For the first time, he hated this woman in front of him, and he hated himself for not being able to protect her.

Kevin Kyle clenched his teeth and his eyebrows tightly.

He sighed, he picked up Karen Daly, and said to Amelia Gray and Nick Black with a tense voice, "Go to the hospital."

Karen Daly's leg had lost too much blood, and she was in shock. No matter how strong she was, she could not hold on any longer and fainted in Kevin Kyle's warm arms.

Before losing consciousness, she vaguely saw Kevin Kyle's scary face. It was the first time she had seen this scary look on his face.


When Karen Daly woke up, she was on the hospital bed, with a thick white dressing around her legs and drip were on her arms.

She turned her head and looked at Kevin Kyle's gloomy eyes. He looked at her with a gloomy look and did not say anything, he looked very angry.

"Kevin Kyle, I..." Karen Daly wanted to say something, but her throat was so dry that she could not speak.

Kevin Kyle immediately took the glass of water on the bedside table and put a straw in it and gave it to her.

After taking a few deep sips, she looked at Kevin Kyle and forced a smile. "Kevin Kyle..."

Before she could finish, Kevin Kyle turned around and left. He sat on the sofa beside her, looked at a document, and did not intend to give any attention to her at all.

"Kevin..." She was lying on the bed, but he still ignored her. Karen Daly felt so bad that her eyes were tearing up.

Seeing her tearing up, Kevin Kyle threw the document in his hand, walked towards the bed and sat down. He bowed his head and kissed her pale lips.

He bit and sucked her lips as if he was punishing her...

Thinking back to the moment when the car hit her, seeing the bright red blood flowed out of her body, seeing her lose consciousness in his arms...

When he thought of this, his heart panicked.

In his 28 years of life, he had never experienced anything like that. He felt himself suffocating, which was worse than being really hurt.

He was very angry that he couldn't protect her, he could only watch her get hurt in front of him.


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