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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 121

Kevin Kyle's words made Karen Daly speechless.

She wanted to go to the bathroom, but how could she ask him to help her?

She was very embarrassed and shy!

Kevin Kyle did not sense her embarrassment. He carried her to the washroom, Karen Daly's face was blushing, she said, "Kevin, no."

Kevin Kyle ignored her. He put her on the toilet seat and he was about to help her take off her pants...

"Kevin—" Karen Daly grabbed his hand and said in a panic, "I'll do it myself. I really don't need your help."

Didn't he know that she would feel shy?

She's a woman. How could she do such an embarrassing thing in front of him? It was very bad for her image.

"Are you sure?" Kevin Kyle asked seriously.

He just wants to help her and did not think about anything else. However, looking at the little woman's blushing face, he guessed that she must have thought otherwise.

"I can." Karen Daly almost raised her hand to swear.

Even if she couldn't, she didn't want to ask him for help.

Since Karen Daly was so confident, Kevin Kyle looked at her for a while and then turned around and went out. He closed the door and said, "Call me when you are done."

His voice was the same as usual, and his face was expressionless. He didn't mind helping her, but Karen Daley wanted to go to the bathroom alone and never see him again.

This man!

After Karen Daly was done, she coughed softly and Kevin Kyle's voice immediately came from outside the door. "Are you done?"

"Yeah," Karen Daly answered in a very soft voice.

When she was using the bathroom, Kevin Kyle was guarding outside the door, she felt so awkward.

Kevin Kyle pushed the door open and came in. He gently hugged her to the sink to wash her hands, and then he took her back to the room and put her on the bed.

He added, "Are you still feeling dizzy?"

Karen Daly nodded. "A little, but it's not as bad as earlier."

Kevin Kyle patted her head and said, "Eat something first, and rest after you eat."

There were many scratches on her body, and the most badly injured part was her legs. Her head was slightly concussed due to the heavy blow, so she had to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days.

It was fortunate that the car yesterday was blocked by the bushes by the roadside, and if the direction of the car was slightly skewed when it rushed over, the consequences would be...

Thinking of what happened yesterday, Kevin Kyle hugged Karen Daly tightly again. He would never let her get hurt like this again.

After dinner, Karen Daly fell asleep again.

Amelia Gray knocked on the door and came in. When she was about to speak, Kevin Kyle immediately gestured for her to keep quiet and went outside of the ward with Amelia Gray.

"Director Kyle, you were right. It's Charlie's order." Amelia Gray looked at Kevin Kyle and saw that his face did not change. She continued, "He was targeting you, not your wife."

After hearing this, Kevin Kyle frowned, "If he is looking for death, then let him have it."

Amelia Gray added, "The police..."

"This matter doesn't require the help of the police." Kevin Kyle walked back to the ward.

Kevin Kyle didn't say it clearly, but Amelia Gray understood what he meant. If Charlie was handed over to the police, he would only be sentenced to a few years at most, which was the lightest punishment to him.

Since Charlie wanted to play dirty, then they would return the favor.

Over the years, Kevin Kyle had been in charge of the entire Rovio Corporation Inc. He did not rule out the use of mean tricks in certain matters.


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