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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1711

Monique pushed the desk aside and lay prone on the floor with an ear to the ground. She tapped the floor lightly with her fingers, quickly realizing something. "Levi, the exit is right here."

Levi, who was busy tying up the four people on the ground, looked back and responded, "Okay, go ahead."

Monique took out a military knife from one of her boots rapidly and stabbed it hard on the floor tiles a few times. Finally, she pried a tile up. After prying up the first one, it would be much easier to unearth the other tiles.

After removing a few more tiles, she then jabbed at the cement beneath forcefully. The cement broke open to reveal a wooden compartment. She pushed it hard. A hole opened. It was of a size that would only allow one person to enter or exit at a time. "Levi, hurry up!"

At that time, Levi was done tying up the people in the room. He threw the two guards towards the doorway. Sheldon and Edward were the targets that they had to take away, so he dragged them to the exit.

Monique went into the opening and said, "I'll go down first. Hand those two over to me."

Levi turned on the flashlight of his phone, illuminating the hole. There was a wooden ladder at its side, which seemed precarious for walking on. He advised Monique. "We still don't know the situation down there. You have to be careful."

"Yes. I know." Monique nodded. "You should pay attention to what's going on behind us too. We have to know if anyone has discovered us."

Both of them were concerned about each other's safety; neither of them would drag the other down.

Monique went down the ladder and soon reached the bottom of the hole. She used her phone's flashlight to illuminate the space. The passage was small and narrow. It would be difficult to go out alone, what more to say for the both of them who had to carry one target each.

However, Monique was unfazed by the difficulty they encountered. She found a stable place to stand and said, "Pass them to me."

Sheldon and Edward were both tall men; neither of them were particularly light either. Levi was worried that Monique wouldn't be able to catch them. He said, "Come closer to the ladder. Let it support their weight, so you can handle it."

Monique clapped her hands together and replied, "Don't worry. I'm strong enough to catch them. If I really can't do it, I'll throw them onto the ground. I won't foolishly let myself get hurt because of them."

Levi praised her, "You've indeed become smarter after being by my side for a long time."

While talking, his hands were not idle. He stuffed Sheldon into the hole first. After Monique caught him, he then let Edward down.

After catching the two men, Monique urged, "Now you come on down."

Even though the security guards outside would not dare to enter the study room without express instructions, Levi could not rule out the possibility that they received some other hints. If he and Monique were discovered, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Wait a minute," Levi said.

Monique had unearthed the entrance of the hole with brute force. Once the enemy discovered that all wasn't right in the office, they would find the escape passage as soon as they came in and could catch up with them through the passage very soon.

Levi wanted to restore the entrance back to how it looked originally, but it was near impossible to do that in such a short time. He could only pull the desk over to block it a little.


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