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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1712

Punished by the military rules!

Upon hearing these words, Monique felt a quiver in her heart.

In the army, everyone knew that military orders could not be disobeyed. No matter whether the orders given by the superiors were right or not, as long as they were ordered to do so by their superiors, the subordinates, had to follow.

That was the most basic quality of a soldier.

If she violated that, she would be punished by the military rules.

It was a crime that no soldier could afford to commit.

It also meant that Levi was talking to her as a team leader at this instant. No matter what happened next, she had to obey his orders.

She couldn't disobey.

Monique didn't say anything. Even though she was nearly collapsing from the heat, she still quickened her pace, trying to find the way out of this dangerous secret passage as soon as possible.

After God-knows-how-long, they reached the end of the secret passage.

There was no road ahead and they couldn't find where the exit was. Fortunately, the end of the passage was quite spacious. It was able to hold about five people.

Monique threw Sheldon onto the ground and asked, "Shall I look for the exit first?"

Levi similarly dispatched Edward onto the ground and grabbed her, replying, "In case there's another trap, you stay here and watch the two of them. I'll go look for it."

Monique knew that Levi didn't know anything about the secret passage. She might even find it before he did, but at this moment, her physical state was impaired and she was running low on energy. Therefore, she couldn't say for sure.

Plus, the reason Levi made that decision was probably in consideration of her weakened state, so Monique didn't go against it. She backed off rapidly and leaned against the wall to rest, conserving her energy as much as possible.

Although it was true that Levi didn't know anything about the secret passage, he was quick-witted enough. Given the spaciousness of the passage currently, it was not difficult to find the exit. It didn't take long for him to find the slate above them covering the exit.

He pushed it hard, but it wouldn't budge. He didn't know if there was something covering the slate.

Monique went forward instantly and said, "Let's push together."

Levi nodded. "Okay."

Both of them looked at each other. They did not speak, but mentally counted to three at the same time and then pushed it together.

With their combined strength, the slate covering the exit finally showed signs of loosening. However, they still had not pushed it open all the way. Thus, they did it again for the second time, the third time... It was not until the sixth time that they finally managed to move the slate on the exit of the passage.

As soon as the slate was pushed open, mud fell from the hole of the exit. Without hesitation, Levi grabbed Monique and shielded her in his arms to protect her. Monique was unscathed from the mud but Levi's face was slathered in mud and dirt.


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