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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 796

This time, he would not face her with his fake identity or appearance again. He wanted to hold her hand tightly and never let go again.

Even if they faced plenty of obstacles or go through any bumps in life, he was willing to walk through with them.

"Brother Lionel..." When she called him, Karen Joy Kyle plunged into his arms.

She was obviously very happy, but the tears welled up in her eyes overflowed and she couldn't help crying.

"Karen, what's wrong?" Seeing her in tears, Nathaniel's heart was aching.

He held her face and wiped her tears clumsily. He didn't know that the more he wiped her tears, the more her tears flowed.

"Karen, I'm sorry! It's my fault. It's all my fault. I have made you suffer." He lowered his head and kissed her tears away.

"Brother Lionel, it's not your fault. You did everything right." She sniffed, she did not want to cry, but she didn't know why she was crying so much.

"Karen, don't cry." He coaxed her patiently, just like coaxing a child.

"Brother Lionel, I don't know why I fell for you..." Karen Joy raised her hand to wipe her tears and continued, "Maybe it is because I remembered you since I was young and I missed you so much. When I grew up, I naturally just think that I should like you. I really do like you."

"Mm, I understand." Even while crying, she didn't forget to tell him that she liked him.

What did he do in this life that earned her loyalty and love?

"Brother Lionel, I have a small request." Although she was in tears, Karen Joy was still alert. She knew she had more important things to do.

He asked gently, "What request?"

She wiped her tears and said, "You have to say yes first."

Nathaniel immediately agreed, "Okay, tell me."

There was nothing he couldn't do for her.

Karen Joy said with tears in her eyes, but then she smiled brightly, "I want you to face me with your real appearance from now on."

In the car with the heater on, the temperature was warm and perfect.

Dim moonlight shone into the car.

Karen Joy was as excited as a child. She held Nathaniel's face as she looked at him again and again, "Mm, just like I said, you look the best without your disguise."

"Haven't you looked at me enough yet?" The little girl held his face and looked at him for nearly half an hour now. She didn't plan to stop.

"I will never have enough." Karen Joy stroked his eyebrows and touched his nose and lips. "Brother Lionel, your eyebrows are really beautiful. Your eyes are also very beautiful, and your nose and lips are all very beautiful."

Nathaniel could not resist lowering his head and kissed her ruddy cheeks. "Compared to your father, who is more handsome?"

In Karen Joy's mind, Nathaniel was always petty. Not only was he jealous of himself, but he was also jealous of her father.

"Why should you compare yourself with him?" Karen Joy knew in her heart that Brother Lionel was already jealous, but she deliberately pretended that she didn't understand his intention.

Nathaniel said in a serious tone, "Answer me."

Karen Joy pouted and said, "Brother Lionel, don't yell at me. I'm a little girl. I'm quite petty,

I bear grudges."

Nathaniel pulled her into his arms. "Alright, I won't yell at you. Tell me seriously, who looks better? Me or your father?"


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