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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 797

"Karen, Serene, and I are not what you think." Nathaniel Cooper thought Karen Joy Kyle was jealous and he wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to.

"Then what's the relationship between you two?" Since he had already brought it up, then she could get some clarity and assurance.

"She has someone she likes, and that person is a very good friend of mine. She and I are only maintaining this relationship temporarily. When the time comes, we will separate." Nathaniel explained carefully.

"Brother Lionel, so... if she doesn't have someone she likes, will you spend the rest of your life with her?" Karen Joy admitted that she was very petty. She clearly knew that it was not the case, but she still wanted to bring it up and wanted to hear his words.

"You're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with," Nathaniel said.

Hearing what she wanted to hear, Karen Joy showed a big smile and said, "Okay, Brother Lionel, I know now. Please look for Sister Serene."

Nathaniel was taken aback.

This girl's mood was like the weather in June; unpredictable and odd.

Karen Joy opened the door, got out of the car, and waved to Nathaniel, "Brother Lionel, send me a message or call me when you miss me."

Nathaniel also got out of the car. "I'll bring you back."

"Brother Lionel, you don't have to send me back. Go and find Sister Serene. If anything happens to her, how will you explain it to your friend?" After that, Karen Joy ran away.

Karen Joy was very happy. She was hopping while she was running to hertent.

Tonight, she finally got the courage to talk with Brother Lionel and made him face her with his real appearance. How could she not be happy?

She was floating on cloud nine. She was hopping happily into the camp area and hummed tunes.

After running for a long time, she finally found the tent she shared with Yaya.

Because she was afraid of the dark, there was a lamp that was left on in the tent especially for her. The warm light illuminated the little tent.

Looking at the warm light, Karen Joy also felt warm in her heart. A friend that she had just met could treat her so well, that meant that there were still a lot of good people in the world.

Thinking that Yaya should have fallen asleep, Karen Joy walked slowly so that she wouldn't wake Yaya up.

However, just as she started walking lightly, she vaguely heard a sound in the room. Was Yaya worried about her and didn't sleep yet?

"Sister Yaya..." Karen Joy reached out to lift the curtain of the tent and stepped into the tent. Suddenly, she felt someone's hand coming at her.

She reacted very quickly. When she felt the gust of wind, she turned sideways unconsciously to dodge the hand that attacked her.

The enemy didn't subdue her with one move, and the second attack came almost immediately. However, Karen Joy was ready, she dodged again and tried to keep a distance from the enemy, so that she could dodge the enemy's attack.

"Who are you?" Karen Joy looked around the tent with the faint light and realized that there was only one person who ambushed her.

Since there was only one attacker, plus she witnessed some of this persons's attack already, she could probably figure out this person's strength. Even if they had a head-on confrontation, she was confident that she could win.

The tall man said in a gloomy voice, "Shut the f*ck up. Come with me if you're so smart. Otherwise, I'll break your legs. Don't blame me for being merciless."


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