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My Lover is Mr Mafia king novel Chapter 2


That morning I was so happy... for the first time, my article was published on the first page, sure the article was about one of the most famous businessmen in the world, not just in that country. But I wonder what is going to happen later after my boss reads this article?!

I published that article without being edited or revised by him and even without his permission. But He should be happy, we sold out millions of our daily papers in just a few hours.

I was spacing out with my mind excited and smiling from happiness and jumping while waltzing proudly to my office. Yeah sure it was my first article ever and it was supposed to be my lucky day. Finally, I proved to them that I was capable of being a journalist.

"Hey, Jennifer! " My manager shouted my name. His voice was irritated and that somehow scared me to death... I spin my head slowly to him.

"Good morning sir... Something wrong? Oh sure, I guess you want to greet me for my amazing article," I smiled lightly and I placed my hand to cover my ear to ear smile.

The manager crossed his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes. "Congratulate you for what? For your frivolous disaster?! Stop your weird smile and go to the owner now. this is out of limits and out of my hand. All the members of the board and the CEO are waiting for you, even in a closed meeting because of you! God, save us! I'm warning you. I have nothing to help you. You have to take responsibility for your silly actions,". The manager almost yelled harshly to me and huffed walking away.

"Sir, sir ?!" I called him over and over. But he totally ignored me, walking away waving his hands in the air.

Two more steps and I reached my desk. I was rearranging my papers and my new article for tomorrow. And one of my colleagues came hastening to me and leaned his head to mine, sided his eye.

I was surprised. I widened my eyes. "What the hell are you doing? You scared me to death. What's wrong?" I furrowed my brows and pushed his face away from me a bit.

he dropped his jaw and laughed demonically "What's wrong?! Dammit! You still don't know what you have done?! You are a ridiculous idiot. You need a miracle to save your ass!" my colleague mumbled.

I opened my mouth, and I furrowed my eyebrows," what's wrong ?!" I asked innocently and yes, I have no idea what happened, but since I stepped my feet that morning and all my colleagues were staring at me as if I was holding an infection or something. some of them didn't even say good morning or talk to me at all and others were gossiping as if they were talking about me. and now my manager yelled at me without giving me a simple reason. and now that weird colleague was making fun of me!

I wasn't walking while I was sleeping or anything! So what the hell could have occurred while I was out of my office in just one night?!


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