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My Mafia Queen novel Chapter 2

This guy is everywhere; it is bad enough he is stuck in my head, now he shows up at my work too. Not that I am complaining, but I am not quite ready for him to see me naked just yet.

“Baby girl, what are you doing up there?”-

“I am working, Jackson.”

“Not anymore.”

“What do you mean, not anymore?”

“My girl is not a stripper.”

“What did I tell you about me being your girl?”

“I can call you my woman then?”

“No, not happening.”

“My lady then?”

“Definitely not happening.”

“Baby girl then?”

“It makes you sound like a perv.”

“You sure are going to make a man work for it.”

“You bet ya; I am not an easy girl.”

“Goddamn, this is making me horny.”



“Just now, you turn me on.”

“That is the whole point.”

“Not happening.”

“What am I supposed to do then?”

“Use your hand.”

I better change this subject before we find ourselves naked in one of the lap dance booths.

“Jackson, you do know you have just gotten me fired.”

“I know.”

“Now what? This is the only thing that paid the bills.”

“You are my girl; I look after you.”

“I should not even bother arguing with you anymore.”

“I always get what I want.”

“Okay, I am your girl.”

“You serious now?”

I am probably going to regret this later. He is fucking hot, and he has just made me raging horny. I want him; he thinks he is making me his, well I am making him mine.

“Yes, I am your girl.”

Then one of the men sitting on his left turns to speak to Jackson, “Boss, she sure is some sweet piece of ass.”

“Drake, do you like your face?”

“Yes, boss.”

“Then shut your fucking mouth.”

“Sorry, boss.”

Jackson slowly rises from his seat and speaks to another one of his men with dark brown hair; he seems to be rather serious, “Anthony, get the car, we leaving.”

“But what about the girls, boss?”

“Anthony, don't let me ask twice.”

“Yes, boss.”

I shake my head as I watch this scene playoff in front of me. I know that I should probably, but I still do, “Dammit Jackson, you sure have got these guys shit scared of you.”

“You have no idea who I am, baby girl.”

“And you are going to tell me?”

“In time.”

“No secrets and no other girls. Do you understand?”

“Fuck, you are making me horny again.”

“Can you not keep it in your pants?”

“Not when you around.”

I go gather the little of my belongings that I have here and meet up with Jackson and the boys outside.

“Come, baby girl; we are leaving.”

“Where to now?”

“We are going to the club.”

“Can I not go home to change, at least?”

“Where do you stay?”

After about twenty questions about where I am staying, what I wear, what I eat, what car I drive, and even the size of my shoe, bra, and panties, he gets to his point.


“Yes, boss?”

“Move my baby girl to the place on 7th.”

“What?” Did my ears just deceive me? I am sure that I did not hear him properly. “What did you say, Jackson?”

“You are moving.”


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