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My Mafia Queen novel Chapter 3

Oh, my god, I am in way over my head, but it is a rush, a rush that I need, a thrill that I crave. Everything about this man is hot, and he is burning right into my skin.

What happens when I fall for a mafia boss. I don't know, but I am sure as hell going to find out.-

"Fuck Kay," Rob looks me up and down as he greets me, "You are looking hot tonight; I feel I can almost eat you."

"Do you want that jaw to eat?" Jackson asks Rob.

"If it is to eat Kay, then yes."

Jackson steps forward and fists his hands around Rob's shirt, pulling him awkwardly closer, "I will rip that thing off your head."

"Jackson," I pull Jackson away from Rob.

"It is fine, baby girl," he reassures me. "I am just reminding him of his manners."

From next to Rob, Anelle speaks, "You do look hot, Kay."

"It is Kayley to you," I remind her. "And I am not lesbian."

"Fuck I am giving you a compliment."

From completely out of nowhere, Rob snaps at Anelle, "Shut up, Anelle."

"Rob, don't talk to your girl like that," Jackson tells him.

"Rob does not have girls." I remind Jackson,  "He just fucks."

Anelle, still just sitting there shutting her mouth, snaps at me, "Hey, I am sitting right here."

"Anelle, shut up."

And of course, this will turn Jackson on; every damn thing turns this man on. So he steps closer and whispers in my ear, "Baby girl, that is so hot. I love it when you talk like that."

I only but laugh at him, "Is that your idea of kinky?"

But then his face gets all serious, "Go open that other closet, and you will see what's kinky."

"What are we talking about here?"

"Whips," Drake says

"Handcuffs, Anthony adds.

"Blindfolds," Matthew smirks.

"Chains?" I ask.

"What the fuck are you assholes doing in my office?" I see as Jackson gets somewhat shy.

"You don't want us to fuck in the bathrooms," Drake says.

"So we use your office," Anthony adds.

"The next one that fucks in my office will lose his erection," Jackson says as he raises his voice but just a fraction.

"Then you better go to your office," I burst out laughing. "Cause Mike is in there."

"With who?" Rob asks


"That asshole, I am going to cut off his balls," Rob says as he walks to the office.

"Wait, I want to do it." I stop him

"Baby girl," Jackson tries to stop me. "Are you going to cut off the poor asshole's balls?"

"I am going to take that whip and slap Anelle's tits."

"Fuck I want to see this." Drake jumps from his chair.

"Me too." Matthew follows

"If you so much as lift your asses off that chair, you going to lose your cock and balls," Jackson warns Matthew and rake.

"Come, Jackson," I take him by the hand. "Show me where that whip is."

"Fuck, you are going to be the death of me."

I have no fucking idea what I am doing; all I know I am finally going to see Mike naked, and I am not looking forward to it. From what I saw, she does not have fake tits, so it is going to hurt like a bitch.

"Baby, do you think I am crazy if I do this?" I ask Jackson.

"Baby girl, I would think you crazy if you don't."

"I am coming with you;" Rob follows us. "You can cut off whatever you want, boss."

"Fuck, this is turning into an orgy." I only but laugh at the crowd going to Jackson's office.

We get to the office, and Rob barges in, furious as hell. My baby has the biggest fuck ass smile on his face. For a second, I stare at how fucking gorgeous he is before I open the closet.

"Where is your whip?" I ask as I go towards the closet.

"It should be on the left."

"It's not here."


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