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My Step Sister And I: Pregnant For Me novel Chapter 20

In January Jennifer moved off campus into an old house she was renting with a group of other students. This gave us a room with a bed. No more back seats in cars and no more cheap motels. Our sexual activity was getting more frequent and more interesting all of the

time. It seemed that I couldn't be along with her for more than five minutes without her wanting to play with my dick. Which always ended up with her sucking me off and that would often lead to intercourse.

Then one day at the end of our semester Exams, about three weeks before holidays.

I was sitting with jennifer, well actually I was sitting and she was laying with her head in my lap doing her thing when the telephone rang. It startled us both and she jumped up to answer it. I sat

and idly listened to her half of the conversation. She answered with, "Hello" then her voice showed some excitement as she said, "Yes, I would..." then she turned away from me and her voice lowered a little, "When do you want to see me?... Wednesday is fine.... What time

should I meet you?" I could see that she was writing something down in the note book on her desk.

"Where do you want me to meet you?" More writing, "Okay, I'll be there... Yes, I am looking forward to it... Okay, I'll see you then." She wrote something more in her notebook then closed it.

Then she seemed to hesitate before she turned back to me.

I asked, "What was that about?"

"Oh, just something I have to do next week." She said.

I didn't like the answer and I wasn't comfortable with what I had heard. The only thing I knew was that she was going to meet someone the following week and she didn't seem to want to share anymore information with me.

I wanted to ask more questions about it but I had no reason to believe she was doing anything wrong so I didn't want to start a problem where none existed. Then she did something else that bothered me.

Instead of coming back over to me and resuming her play with my now shrunken member she paced nervously around the

room for a minute then said, "I need to get out of this room for a while. Can we go


When we left her room I glanced over at her notebook but she had closed it so I couldn't see what she had written. I wasn't happy the rest of that day but I didn't say anything.

Everything seem to be back to normal the next day and continued that way until the following Wednesday. On Wednesday my four o'clock exam was canceled so I headed over to jennifer's apartment. I had gotten over my worry about the phone call she received so when I got to the house I was feeling pretty good. I ran up the stairs to her room but she wasn't


I went back down stairs to see if she was in the kitchen or out in the back yard

trying to get a tan. There were two girls in the back yard that I didn't know but figured that that must know someone in the house.


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