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My Step Sister And I: Pregnant For Me novel Chapter 21

I looked at my watch and it was 4:45. That gave me fifteen minutes to get to where Jennifer was meeting him. It took me twenty minutes to find Mohawk St. then another five to find 440 west Mohawk.

I just hoped that I didn't get there too late. What if they had met there and left

already. As I walked up the sidewalk to 440 West Mohawk I saw a sigh that didn't immediately register with me. It said "Omni School for Developmentally Handicapped Children."

I went through the front door and found myself in an office area of some type. I was totally confused now. I was looking around trying to figure out why she would be meeting Steve here. Then I though they must have met outside and they already left.

Suddenly I heard a voice and it took a minute for me to realized that the owner of that voice was talking to me. It was someone who appeared to be a receptionist and she was asking me if she could help me. Not wanting to look like a complete idiot I asked her a question and it turned out to be the right one. I asked, "Is Jennifer Krupp here?"

The receptionist said, "I believe so...."

Then she consulted what looked like a desk top calendar and said, "Yes. She is here. She is in being interviewed by Mr. Steinhower right now. They should be done in about a half hour if you would like to wait?"

"Yes, thank you," I said and sat down.

Then suddenly it started to make sense. Jennifer was an education major with a psychology minor and this was a school for the developmentally

handicapped. She is here for a job interview.

Wait...Job interview when she have not graduated? That's sound wired to me.

I felt very happy and stupid at the same time. Then it occurred to me that maybe she was still planning to see Steve. I decided to wait for her to come out and see what happened.

It turned out to be more like forty-five minutes before she came out from her interview. She looked directly at me and it seemed to take a moment before it registered on her that I was there. Then a big smile lit up her face.

She came over to me and asked, "What are you doing here?' How did you know I'd be here?"

"I peeked in your note book." I replied.


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