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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calicraft) novel Chapter 128

Chapter 128 

“Alright, it’s getting late. Go and get some rest!” 

Haspard waved his hand without intending to converse much more with Geoffrey. 

If the father would not spoil his own son, he, as the grandfather, absolutely had to. 

Geoffrey helplessly shook his head and then left the old man’s study. 

Meanwhile, Haspard took out his phone to start making a call. 

In the Lanes household, Howard was also sitting in his own study, sulking. 

“Grandpa, that guy called Nash isn’t so easy to deal with, right?” 

Simon had his hands in his pockets, his face incredibly gloomy. 

He was currently the leader of the ninth branch of the Green Bamboo Association. 

With Crow around, he could completely ignore the affairs of Causeway Bay. 

However, now that Crow was dead, Causeway Bay was in chaos. 

He wanted to take down Nash to avenge Crow but was stopped by his grandfather. 

“Nash has extraordinary medical skills. He first healed Walter Watson’s wife, then cured Philix King! The Lees, Zakariah, and the National Association of Priests all show him the utmost respect. His network has already exceeded my imagination… What’s even more outrageous is that he practices the Path and has terrifying martial arts skills!” 

Howard pinched his nose bridge, feeling a sense of deep powerlessness welling up within him. 

Simon said in a low voice, “Doesn’t the Green Bamboo Association have the Ten Juggernauts? Perhaps we could ask them to make a move!” 

The Green Bamboo Association had Ten Juggernauts. 

Any one of them was an invincible existence. 

These ten people were the fundamental foundation of the Green Bamboo Association. 

However, only the chief head of the association had the authority to mobilize these Ten Juggernauts. 

Howard fell silent for a moment before slowly saying, “It seems like that’s the only way… I once took a knife for the head of the association, and he promised me a favor…” 

The next day, Hera brought Nash to the company early in the morning. 

Just as they arrived at the entrance of the company, Hera noticed that the security guards in the security room had been replaced. 

Originally there were two men in their 50s, but now, they were replaced by two young men in their 20s, 

Hera turned her head to look at Nash. “Did you do this?” 

Nash shook his head and said, “No… and I’ve never seen these two men before…” 

“Good morning, Ms. Lewis, Mr. Calcraft!” The two security guards saw the CEO and security manager outside and hurriedly came out to greet them. 

Hera frowned and asked, “What’s going on here?” 

“Ms. Lewis, we were transferred here from the headquarters!” 

“Why don’t I know about this?” 

Hera took out her phone and called her mother. 


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