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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calicraft) novel Chapter 138

Chapter 138 

The coach looked toward the ring as well. A moment passed, and he sneered before saying, “I taught Bianca a tactic. Defend first and then attack. It’s not wise to waste energy before finding an opening.” 

“Your tactic is for them to wait and get beaten? If Black Widow goes all out, Bianca won’t be able to fight the third round at all!” Nash’s expression may be blank, but his words dripped with sarcasm. 

The coach shook his head and scoffed. “I can’t believe I actually went dumb and talked to an idiot.” 

“I have to correct you there. You’re indeed dumb, but I’m not stupid,” Nash responded blankly. 

The coach was too lazy to continue talking to this guy who was calling himself McNash. He was trying to show off even when he had no skills. 

The third round ended with Bianca not even scoring one point while Black Widow had reached 32 points in total. She scored 19 points in just one round. 

Bianca had also been beaten until her nose was bruised and her face swollen. 

The referee came over and started speaking in a foreign language. He was probably trying to ask if she could still continue. 

Bianca panted heavily and nodded. 

The referee looked at the doctor on duty, and they immediately stepped forward to check Bianca’s physical condition. They then gave an ‘OK’ sign. 

“The winner will be determined in six rounds for this match. There’ll be a 30-minute intermission. So, after 30 minutes, we’ll have another three rounds for the second half,” the referee said in a broken attempt at their language. 

Bianca nodded again. 

The referee went up to Black Widow and announced to her that it was break time while the host went to the ring to replay the first three rounds. 

The coach led Bianca and others back to the waiting room. 

Skadi immediately fetched a hot towel and applied it on Bianca’s face. 

Nash sat down on a chair and massaged Bianca’s arms. 

Bianca clenched her fists and looked at Hera with some embarrassment. This man was Hera’s boyfriend, after all. 

It was somewhat embarrassing for someone else’s boyfriend to give her a massage. 

Here did not mind it too much. “It’s okay, Bianca. He has a really good massage technique. Not only can it help you relieve pain, but it’ll also reduce the swelling.” 

Nash possessed extraordinary skills in holistic medicine. Pulse-taking and dry-needling were part of the practice. 

It was inevitable that there would be skin-on-skin contact especially when the patient was a woman. She could not be jealous of something like this or it would make her a very narrow-minded person. 

Nash massaged Bianca’s arms with his inner energy and gradually, the redness and swelling eased. 

Before Bianca even had the chance to be surprised, Nash said, “Black Widow went easy on you the first three rounds. If she had gone all out, you might not have been able to get back up after the first round at all.” 

When the coach heard Nash bring this topic up again, he immediately reprimanded him, “Kid, I’ve tolerated you long enough. Stop trying to delude people with your lies!” 


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