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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calicraft) novel Chapter 159

Chapter 159 

Wendy was stunned. 

Her mouth hung agape as she turned to stare at Sienna. 

There was absolutely nothing about that man which made him seem like the big shot who would own a black-and-gold- colored card! 

Was there a mistake? 

Sienna dragged Wendy to stand behind her and bowed to Nash. “Greetings, honorable Mr. Calcraft. You’re one of the Chateau Hotel’s platinum-level members, and I will be hosting you and your friends for dinner tonight!” 


Kai, Queenie, and the Lee family felt like they had just been struck by thunder. 

Their mouths fell open as their eyes widened. 

Instead of hosting Kai and Helena, Sienna would be hosting Nash and Hera instead. 

Harrison and Rooney remained motionless as if they had been turned into statues. 

Hera, Skadi, and Bianca all clapped a hand to their mouths. 

Time felt like it had frozen. 

Everyone stood so still it was like they had gotten petrified. 

It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. 

Nash was stunned as well. 

It seemed that platinum memberships were on a much higher level than premium memberships! 

“That’s impossible…” 

“That’s impossible…” 

Rooney stumbled backward before yelling, “You’ve made a mistake, Sienna! It’s my daughter’s birthday today. You should be hosting my daughter Helena!” 

Then, she ran over to Sienna and grabbed her by the wrist, trying to drag her toward where her daughter was standing. 

She could not accept the truth and refused to believe Hera was famous and deserving enough of Sienna. 

Wendy frowned and stopped forth to shove Rooney aside. 

Rooney weighed over two hundred pounds, but Wendy, who was petite with a slight frame, managed to send her flying 


George stepped forth and caught Rooney mid-air before using his strength to change her course of direction. 

After he had placed her safely on the ground, he turned to stare at Wendy in horror. 

She seemed so young, but she had already attained grandmaster-level skills. 

He worried she might be a member of the ancient martial arts families from Capiton. 

Helena grabbed Kai’s sleeve. “Kai… w-what’s going on?” 

Was Kai not the esteemed guest? 

Why had it become Nash instead? 

If Nash was the esteemed guest, that would mean Hera was the one who would be getting a birthday celebration tonight. 

Kai sighed and approached Sienna. “Ms. Sienna, have you made a mistake? I’m the one with the premium membership card!” 

“I have not made a mistake, Mr. Watson. I host guests who own platinum membership cards!” 

“The one you have is a mere premium membership card!” 

“Guests with the Chateau Hotel’s premium membership cards are not yet eligible to have A-list celebrities as their hosts!” 


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