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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calicraft) novel Chapter 265

Chapter 265 

This was a martial artist, and one above the level of a grandmaster. 

The man in the suit glanced at the group coldly and said in a chilling voice, “I’m in a good mood. today. I don’t want to kill anyone…” 

After saying that, he vanished like a shadow, leaving the villa. 

Not long after he left, a patrol car pulled up at the entrance. 

Felicity and Angelica stepped out of the car. 

Xeno was somewhat taken aback. 

Were the police always this swift? 

Felicity approached and asked, “Where is Yvonne Mare?” 

“They… went out to eat…” 

Xeno replied, then quickly added, “A thief just ran out of the villa. You need to chase after him!” 

Angelica frowned. “A thief? In Royal Bay?” 

Felicity glanced at the unconscious Logan on the ground, his tongue stuck out and his eyes rolled back. She said slowly, “He’s not just any thief. He came for Yvonne!” 

Angelica turned pale. “Did they manage to take anything?” 

Just an hour ago, a message from the National Security Department was sent out. 

Two people named Yvonne Mare and James Jude brought back a type of bacteria from abroad. It was capable of effectively killing HIV strains. Once foreign bio-labs caught wind of this, they immediately dispatched all their undercover agents in Drakonia. 

The Security Department issued a directive-they had to find Yvonne and retrieve the bacteria before the foreign agents could. 

Upon receiving the order, Felicity immediately brought Angelica to Nash’s place. 

However, it seemed they were a step too late. 

With a frustrated expression, Felicity asked, “Did the thief take anything?” 

She still held a sliver of hope. 

Perhaps the thief did not find the bacteria. 

“He took a box from Ms. Mare’s luggage! He exclaimed ‘found it’!” 

Maria, still shaken from the ordeal, spoke with a quivering voice. 

Felicity frowned, saying, “Looks like they still beat us to it!” 

Saying this, she took out her phone to report to the Security Department. 

“No matter what, you have to locate that agent and retrieve the bacteria!” 

A stern order came from the other end of the line. 

“Yes, Sir!” 

Felicity stood at attention and replied. 

After hanging up, she began contacting her colleagues in the Security Department. 

Meanwhile, Nash and the others were rushing toward Royal Bay. 

“Hera… drive faster…” 

James urged anxiously. 

Nash, having had a few drinks, did not dare drive and sat in the passenger seat. 

James and Yvonne were in the back. 

This road had a speed limit of 40. 

Hera gritted her teeth and floored the accelerator. 

The speed climbed from 40 to 100. 


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