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My Unwanted Mate novel Chapter 7

I hurried over to where he was and before I could reach him, he turned around and our gaze locked.

I stopped walking and folded my arms.

"Why did you call him here? Why did you tell him all that?" I asked perturbed and he gave a cunning smile.

"Why do you sound so pissed? I'm just telling him so he won't be worried about you. You know how much he cares about you." He was all smug and I didn't believe that that was his reason for speaking to Jared.

I walked around the room in a panic exit but suddenly i reached for my pockets.

"Where's my phone?" I queried stepping closer to him.

He smirked and tilted his head.

"I'll hand it to you after you have breakfast with me." He replied and I scoffed.

He is completely out of his mind.

I need to leave this place. Especially with Jared on the way. Things can't go down like this.

"You can have the stupid device for all I care! Once you're tired of holding it, you'll return it back to me." I bluntly shut at him before running out of the room.

I heard him walk casually after me and I cursed the stairs for being so long all the way to the bottom. I was acting like a crazy lady, with my breaths uneven and my heart beating fast like it'd leave my chest.

I got to the front door and tried opening it but it turned out to be locked. I raced to the kitchen expecting it to be open. Unfortunately, it was the same result. Locked doors.

I'm vulnerable now. Keiran could murder me in here without anyone knowing all because the doors were locked. But I'm sure my wolf won't let that happen.

He let out a sigh from behind me and I turned slowly to face him.

His parents aren't around. No one is nearby to save me from this psycho.

But I'm glad it's weekend because my parents only gave me permission to attend parties when I have no nowhere to go the next morning.

They were uptight but not so much because we were also carefree creatures. There is a certain form of freedom we need.

"I have to brush my teeth first." I muttered accepting defeat.

"Great. There's a fresh set of toothbrushes in the first visitors bathroom. The one with the brown door on your right." He directed no longer wearing the stupid happy face.

I was thinking of a way to escape without shifting into a werewolf and destroying something. If I do that, the humans that'll fix whatever has been destroyed might start to suspect and investigate.

We just have to lay low somehow.

He directed me to go to his bedroom and wash up but I didn't. I made my way to his bedroom where I spent a few rushed minutes looking around and trying to find clues of where he had been to for the past six months.

The country.

He must have left the country as I suspect.

I give up after scrambling over the place but there was one area I couldn't look into because it was locked; his closet.

After brushing my teeth, I washed my face before going back to the kitchen where Keiran was serving our plates. He can't cook.


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