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Nerdy to Badass Werewolf novel Chapter 10



Micaelas POV

The day has just started and I'm already over it. I didn't like the students here; in my history class all I got were stares and disgusted looks. Like what did I do to deserve them already hating me? I already understood why Sky hated being here but now I understand her pain even more, and it hasn't even been a full day. I had to stick it out though, Sky was my friend and she needed me, plus I still needed to at least complete high school.

With that being said I made my way to my next class, English, and still I shared it with one of my friends. Why did I have to get the crappy and lonely schedule? Rolling my eyes, I walked in and spoke with the teacher before he told me that we were busy with Hamlet and where I should sit. I smiled and thanked him before making my way to the back of the class. There were a few students here already, some chatting away while others were keeping to themselves.

Soon enough the bell finally rang thus having more students quickly filing in and taking a seat. I didn't pay them any attention really as I wasn't here to make friends with anyone who hurt Sky, and that was majority of this school. Suddenly I stiffened when an intoxicating scent hit me hard. My mate was here! He had to be a good one, right?

Just as I thought that a guy who I would compare to a version of Adonis walked in. His brown hair was ruffled in a just-got-out-of-bed kind of way; he looked extremely sexy. He had mesmerizing green eyes that made my knees weak and want to melt. He looked over in my direction, our eyes instantly meeting. A bright smile crossed his lips and my heart swelled with happiness that he wanted me.

He was a good one.

He instantly walked over to me and took the seat to my right. He took my hand in his, his smile still bright as ever. "Hello my beautiful mate, my name is Brian. What's yours?" He asked and instantly my smile fell. I knew that name. Looks like I spoke too soon about him being a good one. Sky had mentioned him a couple times and it hurt to know my mate could treat someone so cruelly.

"None of your business." I growled at him, instantly pulling my hand away from his. I instantly missed his touch but knew I couldn't be so forgiving. I saw the hurt cross his features, his smile falling and his eyes losing a brightness to it. It hurt to see him like this but no way would I accept that shit.

"Why are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?" He asked, clearly confused by my hostile presence. I glared at him, wanting to punch him in the face for being so clueless.

"I'm mad because I just found my mate and he turns out to be a horrible person who goes around bullying other people for no apparent reason. What did Sky ever do to you huh?" I hissed at him, my anger quickly rising as my fists begin to shake. My wolf agreed with me, stating that our anger towards our mate was justified. Sky didn't deserve the way people treated her, no one did! It instantly clicked in his mind on why I was angry and regret quickly replaced the confusion. I knew I would have to tell her about this later.

"I'm sorry. I truly regret what I did to our Luna. We all regret it. I know that, that's no excuse but I do feel terrible my love. I'm so sorry. When Kyle told all of us that Liam said Sky was dead we all-" He would have continued but I immediately stopped him

"Wait a minute. Liam is the one who told Kyle she was dead?" I questioned again, needing to be sure of this. He nodded his head, sighing sadly.

"Yeah; apparently Kyle had managed to convince his dad to let him try and call Sky. Obviously he didn't have her number so he gave Kyle one of the brothers' numbers. Turns out it was Liam's. Anyways when Kyle called, Liam immediately went off and told him Sky killed herself because of what he did. He was a reck; for a while we had to keep a close eye on cause we were scared he would try taking his own life. It was like he had nothing to live for. Eventually and slowly he became better, he wanted to be the man she deserved even though she wasn't with us anymore. Or so we thought. When he told us the news of her death, the entire pack was devastated. I know that it was late for us to come to our senses of how we treated her but we all truly regret, well the people who truly did feel remorse were devastated." He explained all in one breath. I sat there flabbergasted at the information he gave me.

"I remember Dylan tried many times to ask who told Kyle of Sky's death. Kyle only told me the whole story. Now that I think about it, Dylan had tried many times to tell Kyle she was still alive but he wouldn't believe the poor guy. My love, I truly am sorry for how I treated Sky in the past but please; please can you forgive me and give us a chance?" He pleaded, his eyes showing complete sincerity and love. I was conflicted; part of me wanted to continue being angry at him while the other part wanted to grab his face and kiss him. I sighed, looking down at my hands and watched as he took one gently. I looked back up into his eyes, seeing the regret in his eyes.

"Alright, I will give us a chance, but you need to make it up to Sky first." I stated strictly. I use to believe that no one could beat Jordan with a face of pure happiness whenever he looked at food but Brian instantly took the number one spot as he hugged me tightly, thanking me. I returned the hug, the feeling of being so close to my mate making everything perfect.

The rest of the period flew by, we tried talking as much as we could without getting in trouble with the teacher. The entire time I wanted him to hold me, but that would have to come another time. When the bell rang, we made our way out of the class. Brian wanted to come with me but I refused, explaining that I needed to go speak with Sky alone. He reluctantly agreed and left but not before leaving a kiss on my cheek. I was like a blushing little school girl as I made my way through the halls. I was slightly nervous to tell Sky about everything I had just learned but I knew I couldn't keep it from her. She deserved to know the truth about Liam, along with who my mate was. I just hoped she didn't despise him too much.

Skylars POV

Chapter 10 1

Chapter 10 2


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