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Nerdy to Badass Werewolf novel Chapter 9



"Home, sweet home!" I cheered happily, not caring if the entire world had just heard me. Walking into the foyer I immediately dropped my bags, having missed our old house. It all looked the same as we left it. My parents had managed to have a friend come over once a week, keeping the house clean while we were all gone. I heard a growl from behind me as I watched everyone else enter the house.

"Do you have to yell like that? We're not deaf, and you're starting to give me a headache." He groaned, rubbing his head dramatically as if someone was pounding away at his head with a hammer. I rolled my eyes at his words, having dealt with it for a while now.

"Can you blame me? We were stuck on that flying death machine for hours and I couldn't fall asleep." I pouted, looking up at him with an innocent puppy dog look. He playfully glared at me, knowing full well that I couldn't sleep on the plane as I had taken it upon myself to annoy as many of them as I possibly could. Him being the easiest target.

"I'm with Scott on this sis. Have mercy on all our souls when you take over as the Moon Goddess." Cole teased, a sly smirk on his annoying face. I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest and glaring at my big brother.

"Well you should keep in mind dear brother that I can unleash my wrath upon you if you don't stay on my good side," I stated with a smirk, trying to seem innocent as I continued, "As for now though, I'll just do this!" I smirked happily when he was suddenly soaked head to toe in water. I burst out laughing at the sour face he now had, glaring at me angrily from what I had done.

"Look I'm all for pranking Cole, but did it have to be my water the second I need a sip from it." Liam whined as he tipped over his now empty water bottle to show that it was indeed empty.

"Aww come on! You know that it was put to much better use with Cole." Will teased, shoving Liam with his shoulder. Liam growled and jumped at Will, tackling him to the ground. I was still laughing hysterically from everything, already on the floor holding my stomach. Everyone around us were laughing along with me as Cole decided to join the dog pile, causing the other two to become wet as well. The only one who wasn't laughing was Bennett, just shaking his head and muttering how we were all like children.

"Says the one who throws a fit whenever he doesn't get his way!" Jordan teased and instantly another wrestling match started between the two. Soon enough they all broke apart, smiling and teasing each other.

"Well, we're off to bed. Night everyone!" Will called out, that leading to almost everyone else doing the same. Soon it was only me, my parents, Jordan, Ben, Scott and Mickey; only for the fact that my parents were showing them each where they would be sleeping. Eventually I was left alone in the kitchen. I went and grabbed a glass then filled it with water, thinking about how tomorrow was going to go down. I had kept in contact with Dylan and Chloe and apparently Dylan had a surprise for me tomorrow when I got there. Though all my mind kept jumping to was how would it be when I saw Kyle?

I shook my head, knowing that I was overthinking everything right now. I was making myself worried over nothing, well not nothing but that's besides the point. It was already past eight but I continued to feel anxious and decided a run would be good for me. I quickly ran up the stairs and told Will through the door, not needing to walk in on anything once again. He said alright and reminded me to change my furs colour.

It was one of my abilities that allowed me to change but it had a con as I could only change the colour after I had transformed into my white wolf. Therefore, it restricted me from changing in front of anyone who didn't know my secret. Walking outside, I jogged over to a large tree and stripped of my clothes. I placed them neatly by the tree before shifting into my wolf. I shook my fur out, enjoying the feeling of being in my true form. I hardly ever got to stay like this as it was to dangerous regardless of where I was. Quickly I allowed my fur to shift to a silver colour, close to my white but not bringing up any suspicions to anyone who saw it. No longer was the snow-white fur that had blue glowing swirls moving over my form.

I stretched out my limbs before finally taking off, not caring how long I had been running or to where I was even going. I stopped though when the sound of running water came into ear shot. I walked closer to the sound before seeing a river and began following it. Soon enough I reached a beautiful lake, the moon light glistening off of the water and adding the perfect amount of light to cast a beautiful evening. I was in more shock though when I saw the flowers surrounding the lake, they weren't normal flowers though. These flowers were glowing. It made no sense but frankly I didn't question it for too long.

I walked closer to the flowers, observing them happily and just enjoying this moment of peace and quiet. No responsibilities, just complete freedom to be me. Well, almost.

After a while I decided it was best that I start heading back though immediately stopped as the hairs on the back of my neck stood. I lowered myself to the ground, ready to lunge at anyone or anything wanting to attack. I listened closely, trying to find what was out there but there was nothing. No movement, no sounds. It was silent and that's what made me nervous. I could feel that something was here, watching me. I decided to make my way back, still keeping my guard up in case whatever it was decided now was the time to strike.

Cautiously I began walking home, still feeling the presence near me. I tried sniffing the air a few times but kept coming up short until I finally got whiff. I know I had smelt that scent before, the Ancients had taught me that all creatures had a distinct smell and made sure I learnt each and everyone one of them. I kept trying to rack through my brain on who this scent belonged to then it finally dawned on me.


Instantly I grew nervous, fearing that this person knew who I truly was. I knew it was highly unlikely as I was not in my natural wolf form but still the fear crept over me. The Ancients had taught me that although vampires have a bad reputation, most were actually very kind and had no bad blood with any other species. Still though, I never let my guard down until I was finally home. I picked up my clothes in my maw, quickly running up the steps and managing to get the door open. No way was I changing out there with a vampire watching me. When I locked the door behind me after having out my clothes on the exhaustion finally hit. I yawned heading upstairs to finally get some sleep.

"Sky get up! Time for school!" I heard someone yell out before I was groaning in pain after having someone land on top of me.

Chapter 9 1

Chapter 9 2


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