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Nerdy to Badass Werewolf novel Chapter 8



One year.

One whole year away from my home town, away from my best friends and ex-mate. I wouldn't trade anything in the world though for all the people I got to meet, along with training to become more powerful and stronger. Speaking of not regretting this experience, my brothers had finally found their mates.

It was a couple months in with us living with the Ancients and we had been informed that there was a part of the castle that housed abandoned wolves, whether they lost their family, or had no pack and refused to be a rogue. I had heard a lot about it and really wanted to go volunteer, like I use to do back home. It gave me a sense of purpose being able to help those less fortunate. It took a bit of convincing for my brothers since they didn't share the same passion of helping those less fortunate like me, but soon enough they were walking with me. We had just entered into that wing of the castle when all three of them stopped and chanted out mate.

They immediately rushed in, following the different scents that would lead them to their mates. I just stood to the side, watching with both happiness for my brothers and slight jealousy that I wouldn't have that love. It was a beautiful moment as I had never seen so much love in one room in such a short amount of time.

Along with finding their mates, we discovered that two of their mates had siblings. Liam's mate, Macenzie, or Mac as I call her has three younger, triplet brothers. Bennett is the oldest, thus being the more mature one. Scott is the second oldest, being quite short tempered but when you need him, he's always there for you; and finally, the youngest, and certainly the most annoying brother would be Jordan. If anyone was sad, he'd always manage to put a smile on their face. There are also three things that he makes known a lot that he could never live without: Food, making fun of Scott whenever possible and his family.

Then there's Cole's mate; she has a younger sister, Micaela, but everyone calls her Micky. Since the day we all met, we've been inseparable. They made all the harsh and exhausting days from training seem like a walk through the park. They know the truth about me and they accepted me with open arms, telling me how they would protect me.

Even though I was away for so long, I still managed to stay in touch with Dylan and Chloe. While being here they kept me up-to-date with all that was going on back home. What I didn't expect is how different Kyle was after I left. Apparently, he had become deeply depressed and stayed home for a few weeks. I know that he deserved the pain he was going through but it didn't help that my heart clenched in pain for him, not wanting him to have to go through that. Dylan continued to explain that after a few months Kyle was completely different from his old self. He no longer went out partying all the time and decided to rather step up and be the Alpha his pack deserved. What had everyone in shock though was when Kyle had called a pack meeting, finally announcing that I was indeed his mate.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that the Kyle Black, would declare me as his mate. I didn't believe that he would regret rejecting me, and yet here we are. Sure, I wasn't over the fact that he did it, I was still deeply hurt but it seemed that, that anger I was holding onto was slowly fading away with how much good he was putting into the world now. I know it's cheesy, sue me.

What angered me though was right after he announced that I was his mate, was the fact that he believed I was dead. That I had killed myself. Dylan explained that Kyle could barely get the words out before he was a crying mess. Where on bloody earth did, he get the idea that I was dead?! Both Dylan and Chloe tried asking where he heard that but Kyle always ignored the question and walked away, pain radiating in his eyes. They both tried telling Kyle multiple times that I was alive, but he never wanted to believe them, saying that they were just giving him false hope. After that, they never got another chance to speak to him. He was always just throwing himself into his pack duties and school. Well he was going to believe soon enough when I get back.

I shook my head from my thoughts and continued making my way to Will's room, wanting to know what time we were leaving tomorrow. I didn't bother knocking and just walked right in. Big mistake. I screamed bloody murder, closing my eyes tightly while trying to rid the scene that I had just witnessed from my memory.

"My poor virgin eyes! Put on some damn clothes!" I yelled at them, turning to face now with my eyes still shut tightly.


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