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Power of Money novel Chapter 1372

Five ship- transport boats broke through the calm sea and appeared on the beach of the back hill on the island.

When the porter opened the door, a group of fully armed human shadows came out.

"The Seven Kills Army has occupied the watchtower and the Su family's cover."

"Silver Bear Task Force has eliminated the firepower in the southwest direction."

"Hunting Team, get rid of the firepower points in the northeast."

"The Zilan Team will lead the team to search for the power supply room on the island."

"Chiron Flood Dragon King is searching for the control room of the island."

"Wei Huang's Wei Pei is searching for the secret chamber of the Wei clansmen."

"The rest will disperse into combat formations and wipe out all the enemies on the island. None of them will be left alive!"

A series of combat orders were quickly issued from the two-timer combat vehicle where Hansen was. A team of 500 people followed the five two-headed combat vehicles and rushed into the stomach of the island.

"We can't walk in front of us. We have to split up to carry out the attack mission. Master Qin, do you

want to act alone?"

In front of the scattered place, Hansen put down the telescope, turned to look at Jason and asked.

"Leave the enemy to you. Leave the small group of enemies to me," said Jason with a smile.

Hansen nodded, but he had not yet sobered up from the shock.

A seemingly ordinary and unremarkable ocean ship warehouse was actually loaded with five most advanced two-timer combat vehicles all over the world, as well as five sea-land transportation boats.

Unfortunately, the two "sea snake" combat helicopters were inside. If it weren’t for the worry that the helicopter would cause the attention of people on the island, the energy of the helicopter alone was enough to cover the whole island and set it on fire.

However, what also surprised him was the combination of fire on the island. If Jason had not given up the two "sea snakes" and aroused the enemy's vigilance in advance, his landing this time would not have been so smooth.

"Okay, we'll go, contact each other on the radio!"

Hansen put on his helmet and took a deep look at Jason. Then, he jumped out of the chariot with Qu Zhihai and Haward behind him and disappeared into the night on the island.

"Are you ready?"

Jason touched the sword at his waist and turned back to look at Sylvia, who was sitting behind



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