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Power of Money novel Chapter 1375


A dull and violent sound of collision rang out.

Just as Wei Tianliang launched a sneak attack and wanted to cause a fatal blow to Wei Zipei, Wei Huang's fist had already hit him hard against his fist!

Clatter! Clatter!

The explosion of bones!

Wei Tianliang opened his eyes wide and saw with his own eyes that his angry iron fist was directly smashed into a bloody mess under Wei Huang's punch. The sharp pain made his face instantly distorted!


Wei Tianliang clapped his hand over his severed wrist and let out a heartrending howl.

"You're all pure-blooded. Don't forget that Wei Zipei and I are both tomb guards!"

Wei Huang smashed Wei Tianliang's fist with one punch, and then his body moved violently. The wind of his punch roared, and it went straight toward Wei Tianming and slammed down hard!

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

They were both members of the Wei clan.

But a pure-blooded person like Wei Tianming, in front of a Mausoleum Guardian like Wei Huang, could not withstand a single blow!

After several punches, Wei Tianming was already lying on the ground with his four limbs mangled with blood and flesh, unable to move at all.

"Where are the other members of the Wei Clan? Tell me, because we are of the same clan, I am going to let you live!" Wei Huang said coldly.

Wei Tianming s whole body trembled, and he spat out a stream of blood from his mouth. He said with difficulty, "South Mountain and North Mountain... They all went there..."

"The rest of the guards are in Noriva Mountain and Beishan. Let's go there now and remind the people over there to be careful." Wei Ziyu quickly passed the information to Hansen.

"Noriva Mountain Mountain and Beishan Mountain, all the forces are ready. The pure-blooded people are heading in your direction. Stop cleaning the battlefield and form a combat formation to face the enemy's attack at any time. Pay attention, don't shoot the enemy, accurately attack the position of the action so that the enemy can lose fighting capacity immediately." Hansen gave instructions.

The Wei Clan had forty people, all of whom were pure-blooded.

But not everyone had the combat quality of the mausoleum keeper.

When the Qin Army, who had been cleaning the battlefields on both sides of the mountain, turned their guns and laid in ambush, those guards who had rushed over were like vegetable that was about to be cut. Their legs were instantly pierced by bullets and they completely lost the ability to fight.

"We've swept through all the six districts of the island, but we still haven't found the general control room's location."

Jason took Sylvia to the foothills of the island. This was the hiding place of the Wei people. It was located in the depressions of the half- mountain, facing the sea, and the sea breeze blew.

"With the family head's carefulness, he often puts himself and the most important thing in his eyes together. He doesn't let the most important thing out of his sight. Only in this way can he feel at ease," said Sylvia.

Jason nodded. Looking at the tightly closed stone door, he stretched out his hand and was about to move the boulder away. When he was going to enter the hidden chamber of the Wei Clan, he suddenly heard a gust of wind behind him!


It was almost an instinctive reaction to danger! Jason didn't have time to turn around, but a round kick was directly kicked in the direction of the wind! The two gravitys collided heavily. Jason's body swayed slightly, and he stood on one leg on the ground without moving an inch.

However, the man behind her took several steps back and barely stopped until he stepped on the edge of the cliff. He stared at Jason coldly.

"Teddy." Jason nodded.

"Haha, I didn't expect that we would meet here!" The man took off the black cloak on his head, revealing a cold face. However, his eyes were full of viciousness and violence, as if he had seen his father, who had killed many enemies, and was staring at Jason.

"You have also been transformed, and it seems that the transformation is good." Jason looked at the river, as well as Sylvia, whose neck was pinched by him with one hand at the moment.

"Hehe, so what? Isn't he still no match for you? It's just that I have a bargaining chip in my hands now..."

Teddy looked at Jason sarcastically and sneered, "After such a long time, you haven't changed at all. You never know how to protect the women around you. If it weren't for those old fogeys in the Yun Family, Chen Stephanie or Emily, they would have already become a dead body in the lab. How could they still be alive in this world! But this time, definitely not!"

Teddy knew that Jason would eventually come here. He had been lurking nearby for a long time. He wanted to launch a sneak attack and give Jason a fatal blow, but he didn't expect that Jason also brought Sylvia. This, outside of his plan, was also a surprise.

Jason just silently looked at him and shook his head, saying, "You haven't changed. You have no ability, so you can only take advantage of the foreign power to bully others. From the beginning of the business in the Eastern Ocean to the Kong Family, and then the Yun Family, and now the Ying Family. Four Greatest Households' domestic slaves are really worthy of your title of the first young master in Shang Jing..."

"Shut up!"

Teddy's eyes suddenly turned red as he roared, "It's all because of you! If it wasn't for you, the the Jiang family would've been under my control a long time ago. How could they have been taken away by Jiang Dai, that lowly woman! And there's even less of a chance that they'd end up like this! In order to take revenge, I didn't even hesitate to enter the laboratory on my own accord and transform myself into a person who's neither a human nor a ghost! It's all because of you, a trash that ran out of the village! It's all because of you!"

"No." Jason shook his head and looked at Teddy, saying, "It's not because of me, but because your strength is not as good as mine."


At this moment, Teddy was like a lion that had been driven crazy! He opened his mouth and roared loudly. At the same time, he grabbed Sylvia's palm uncontrollably and suddenly exerted force! Half of his fingers were like talons, fiercely grabbing towards Sylvia Bai Xi's neck!

"You're courting death!"

Jason's pupils shrank, and he suddenly moved. He reached the distance of four steps in an instant. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Teddy's right arm. His five fingers suddenly exerted force, and there was a sharp sound of bone fracture!

Teddy's right arm exploded from the squeeze!

At the same time, he reached out his left hand to grab Sylvia and pulled her into his arms. Then he released his right hand and slammed it on Jiang Liufan's face.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Teddy's mouth. In a bloody mess, Teddy's body flew out and fell from the cliff, falling into the abyss!

Jason watched Teddy's figure disappear from his sight. He looked down at Sylvia in his arms and asked, "Why aren't you afraid at all?"

Just now, he knew that Teddy was arrogant and self- opinionated. After angering him with a few words, he took advantage of Teddy's moment of loss of reason to destroy one of his hands to save Sylvia.

Otherwise, even if Teddy was just a semirepentance, it would be too easy for him to kill an ordinary man like Sylvia.

"Why should I be afraid when you just stand in front of me?" Sylvia asked.

Jason was stunned and smiled gently.

"The command center of the Ying family must be somewhere nearby. Otherwise, Teddy wouldn't have waited for us here. This is the end of this island."

After taking care of the river, Jason looked around again. When he fixed his eyes on the rock on the ground, he suddenly found a string of shallow footprints winding along the stone gate toward the back of the mountain.

There were a lot of footprints here, except for the fact that they came from different directions. They were independent.

Jason took Sylvia around the mountain following the footprints. When they arrived at the back of the col where the wind was blowing, they saw the lush grass regrowing and the mountain wall covered with moss. They sighed slightly.

"The glorious Ying family is considered to be the biggest ordinary family in our country, but it hid here for the sake of the so-called hereditary attack. It's sad, it's really a pity..." Jason sighed deeply.

Sylvia's body trembled. She looked at the mountain wall in front of her, but there was no trace of an artificial digging. However, Jason seemed to have found something all the way. A pure-blooded man's eyesight and smell were not what an ordinary person like her could compare with. He must have found something, so his tone was so firm.

She couldn't help but clench her fists. Was this moment finally coming?

Jason stood in front of the mountain wall in silence for a long time. Finally, he turned to look at Sylvia and asked, "Are you sure you want to go in with me? There are your clansmen, your father and your limbs inside."

He was not worried about the safety of Sylvia. As long as he was there, Jason was confident that no one could beat him and hurt her. However, compared to the safety of his body, he was more worried about the mentality of Sylvia.

"I'm fine. Let's get started." Sylvia's pretty face was a little pale in the moonlight, but her tone was unusually firm.

"All right."

Jason nodded and clenched his fist. He gathered all his strength on his arm, stretched it backwards, and then waved it forward!


The fleshy fist, carrying the weight of tens of thousands of tons of weight, slammed into the mountain wall!

The whole ground was shaking slightly.

The moss on the mountain wall fell down one after another, but Jason didn't stop. He threw a few more punches!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The moss on the mountain wall had completely fallen off, and it was not until there was a gap that Jason stopped his hand, but his fist was already bleeding.


Not waiting for Jason to take action, the smooth mountain wall suddenly shook. With the sound of the old mechanism opening, the mountain wall opened, revealing a door.

"Miss Elder."

Chapter 1375 1

Chapter 1375 2


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