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Power of Money novel Chapter 1374

"I didn't expect Ying family to hide so many weapons on the island. Is it enough to fight for ten years? It's a pity that it fell on a group of playboys. Even if the sharpest blade is held in the hands of the baby, it will be hard to play its due effect."

They saw the hiding place of the enemy. When they lifted the cover of the bushes and opened the iron gate, they saw the weapon warehouse full of weapons. All of them were stunned with their eyes wide open and their mouths full of gasps.

There were a total of 30 people in this small team. All of them were combat forces carefully selected by David from Shen Family's security department and Kong Family's disciples. Each of them had extraordinary skills and had combat experience. They had just destroyed the firepower stronghold here, which was also the last firepower stronghold in this group. They were going to clean up the battlefield and meet up with the main force at the assembly point.

"It's not good for you to run into other people's territory and take other people's things, isn't it?"

A cold voice came from behind them. These people turned their heads in shock and saw two young men standing behind them. They did not know when they had appeared behind them and were looking at them coldly.

"You are..."

The captain's face was full of vigilance, but when they saw that they were not wearing the Ying family's combat uniform, their faces changed.

"It's the Wei Clan!"

With a roar, the team leader's 50 men all turned around in the wooden cylinders and were about to fire.

But these two youths had already made their move.

Such a scene was happening in every corner of the island at this time.

"What's going on?"

Hansen, who was cleaning the battlefield, saw that the light spots on the satellite map of his own people were rapidly decreasing. He frowned, picked up the wireless phone and said, "Dongshan, West Mountain, and northwest. What happened? Report to me immediately!"

However, there was only the sound of electricity in the wireless radio, and no one spoke in the direction of the whistling.

"Master Qin, it seems that there is something wrong." Hansen had a bad feeling and hurried to contact Jason.

"What's wrong?" Jason asked.

"The battlefield is almost over, but our people disappeared for no reason. More than 80 people have disappeared in five minutes! What should we do now?" Hansen also had no idea, which was too incredible. Obviously, the enemy's situation had been resolved after reporting the situation. How could the manpower suddenly disappear again for no reason?

"Contact Wei Zipei and Wei Huang and ask them if they found any members of the Wei Clan." Jason said.

"All right."

Hansen quickly took the radio to Wei Ziping's position. Although they had just come to the secular world and knew nothing about the things here, it was quite easy for them to use wireless walkie-talkies. They learned it quickly.

"We haven't found the hiding place of the Wei Family yet. Have you found anything new?" Wei Zipei asked.

Hansen gritted his teeth and said, "The Wei Clan may have already been sent out. We have lost more than 80 people in five minutes! There is not even a gunshot. I think your position is close to Dongshan Mountain. You go to Dongshan Mountain to see if you can find our people and your peers."

"All right."

Wei Zipei turned her head to look at Wei Huang. She should have found him.

Chapter 1374 1

Chapter 1374 2


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