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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1073

When the crowd heard what he said, they got into shock.

No one had expected that it had something to do with Shelby.

However, no one had doubted it. After all, it was she who led all the people to "catch" them. Moreover, Wayion described every detail vividly. Now that Wayion pointed it out, everyone immediately understood what had been going on!

Thinking of Shelby putting on an innocent look and pretending to be curious about what happened to them, all found her horrible.

"When she said that Anthea and the man ran into the room, I really thought that they were doing something shady. But I didn't know that it was she who deliberately seduced Wayion to come here, and she even played such a trick!"

"That's a good show. She could get an Oscar Award!"

Seeing that the one to blame became herself all of a sudden, Shelby's face changed completely.

When she saw that the person lying on the bed was not Anthea, but her family's servant, she had had a

bad feeling.

Her scheme backfired.

She really wanted to fiercely pull up the servant and ask what was going on, but now with so many eyes looking at her, she couldn't do anything.

Originally, Shelby was a little jealousy of Anthea after they graduated. She always wanted Anthea to be spurned by others and be accused of her improper behavior, and she was the only goddess among all the people.

But it never occurred to her that...

"I didn't expect Shelby to have two faces!"

"Isn't that obvious? Jealousy!"

"How dare she consider herself to be a goddess!"

At first everyone fawned on her. But such a thing had happened and even if they did not openly talk about it, they were all whispering.

Shelby was very generous. Almost all the graduates came. Only fools would not come to such a deluxe party for free, but at the same time, everyone saw her true colors.

Not only the girls, but also many boys looked at her with a weird expression.

Shelby wanted to lift her hair back elegantly as she usually did, but she felt that it was useless at this


She enjoyed the feeling of being the moon surrounded by a myriad of stars, but now she fell down from the sky. She choked with sobs and her heart was bleeding.

But at the same time, she knew that this matter would end up with nothing definite as all were graduated.

The party started in boisterousness but ended in discord.

After Shelby made such a farce, she used the excuse that she was not comfortable and got away. Others naturally wouldn't be so cheeky to stay here anymore. They returned home one after another, but every one of them who walked out of the villa shook their heads and kept clicking their tongues.

Almost all students were gone. Anthea and Leonardo stood at the door and waited for the car.

The party ended all of a sudden, so the chauffeur of the Schain family had not yet arrived. Although Leonardo saw that she was being fine, he still asked with concern, "Anthea, are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" Anthea shrugged.

She was indeed fine.

Except that her dress got stained, she did not suffer any more losses.

In fact, it was not until the last moment did she understand what was going on. At that time, she was brought to the room by the servant named Holly. The door was locked from outside and the light went out and it was not due to power failure. At this moment, she felt that something was wrong.

Fortunately, the room was only on the second floor, and there was a half-shield outdoor balcony, so it was not difficult to climb out from the window.

When she came back from the backyard and saw the servant guarding at the door in the corridor, she confirmed her guess.

Anthea secretly knocked the servant out and put her in the room. Then she had been hiding in the next room until she heard the loud footsteps and she did not appear until she looked at the bustling scene for a long time and was sure that she could stay innocent.


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